Not a fan of vim, it’s improper implementation of the ex command set and the way it ads line feeds, when you cut-n-paste between windows, makes it basically useless. I much prefer the BSD derived nvi, even on Linux. Like VIM it also handles multiple byte character sets, but UNLIKE VIM it is a COMPLETE and CORRECT implementation of vi/ex not a half-assed kind of sort of implementation.
I’ve started doing notes in the terminal as well. I used Obsidian and Logseq for a while, mainly because I wanted something with a GUI so that I could recommend it to people who aren’t comfortable with the terminal. But eventually I figured that a terminal solution was the right one for me, since I have a terminal open all the time anyway.
I switched from vim to kakoune a while ago ( ), so I use nb ( ) instead of vimwiki.
nb is a terminal application that will open whatever your default text editor is.
I’ve been using vimwiki for a while. My most recent change was to switch it over to md format, and setting it up share data with Obsidian. Most of the note taking still happens in the terminal, but digging through it typically happens in the Obsidian UI.
So far it’s working pretty smoothly.