If Elon lost 99% of his money tomorrow he’d still be in the richest .01% of people.
Seriously. That’s the frustrating thing. When people attain that level of wealth there’s nothing you can do monetarily to actually punish them. That leaves them free to commit the most heinous crimes that damage society the most with absolutely zero meaningful repercussions. And they know it.
Someone could always shoot him. We haven’t reached the level of hell where the rich are immortal yet.
That’s not entirely true. He’s so heavily leveraged on his Tesla stock that if it tanks to where it should be, he can’t hold up twitter or the boring company. Who knows how SpaceX is doing because it’s still a private company.
That’s not how it works. It’s dealing with different values. If you have 200 billion dollar but lose 201, you are in debt as fuck. Problem ist, since you gave been worth that much, people will give you another billion to help you out.
Many rich people got pretty poor after heir imaginary worth tanked. Don’t draw the picture of them being invulnerable!
Sounds good. Does Friday work for everyone?
Next Monday would be so much better … April Fools and all.
Yes, but I bet that only being number two will be enough to send the fartsniffer spiraling.
He’s been number two for a while
That’s basically the whole economy.
If you take the Big Tech stocks out of the S&P 500, you’ve got a stock market that has been in decline for a decade. And when you decompose their balance sheets and you see where they get all their money, it’s from price gouging on repairs, service, parts, consumables, software.
You know, if you’re angry at Elon Musk, don’t just get performatively offended about his Nazi salutes. Make it legal for mechanics all over the world to jailbreak Teslas, so that every subscription feature in that Tesla that generates the recurring revenue source that creates Tesla’s ridiculous earnings-to-valuation ratio — all of those car owners can just for one price get all that service unlocked. Elon Musk never gets another dime from them. That really hits him where it hurts. He loves the attention that he gets from the Nazi salute. He’s going to be a lot less happy if he can’t get, you know, a couple hundred bucks every month from every Tesla owner for access to the full battery or the acceleration curve or any of the other things that he sells as a subscription in his cars.
Reading up on how Musk started getting rich, it’s all shifting assets around and arranging payouts to himself.
He’s also getting huge loans backed by inflated/fragile stock.
It’s a scam that for some reason everyone wants to take part in, instead of pointing the finger at the naked emperor.
I seriously question how these “richest person” “statistics” are calculated.
But, as Cid Vicious said, even discounting all that he still managed to amass lots of “real” money.
If you owe the bank a million dollars, you have a problem.
If you owe the bank a billion dollars, the bank has a problem.
If you owe the banks tens to hundreds of billions of dollars based upon hocus-pocus stock valuations and branding hype, a big chunk of the system has a problem.
The fact that his history is public knowledge yet he keeps getting huge loans and fucking government handouts tells me that his way of doing things has become the norm amongst the rich, including banks and the government.
Only the childish bragging (to the point of purchasing a social media patform) makes him stand out from the rest.
I seriously question how these “richest person” “statistics” are calculated.
Oh, that’s easy.
Take the number of shares he owns in various enterprises and multiple by the share price.
Yes, it’s really that stupid.
This is why the long fall of TSLA was such a visibly harrowing time for him. A few back-of-the-envelope calculations with some reasonable assumptions about the loan deals he has (which we lack specific details of, but have long histories of banks making these sorts of deals to draw upon) says that TSLA being at 200 is where trouble can start, with 175 being the point where it’s almost certainly started (and likely been going for while). By 150 he’s in full-on disaster mode for certain, as one margin call after another forces him to dump stock to pay, causing the stock to drop farther and trigger ANOTHER margin call and so on and so forth until TSLA fell into penny stock territory and he had nothing from it.
Yeah right.
I’m confident that he has hidden enough money to save himself from ever experiencing any consequences.
Sure, $100,000,000 liquid money is pocket change for Musk, and he can life free as a bird with that kinda bank. But what he can’t do is wield the influence he has now.
Y’all keep thinking about wealth in terms of your own money. At that level money is meaningless, it’s about influence and options. I foresee Musk crashing and burning, at his level, not ours.
God I hope he gets margin called into oblivion.
But, let’s be honest: if that happens, orangeboi will probably just write him a huge fucking bailout check using our taxpayer dollars. Hoorayyyyyyyyyy.
These two fuckers really found each other.
Had the Democrats won they’d both be in a world of pain by now.
I hate to say it but investing in Drumpf probably was Me-lons cleverest move yet.
In what way would that benefit trump? Also the president can’t unilaterally authorize bailout checks through executive order, that would have to go through congress which is unlikely.
elon is valuable at the moment because he’s rich, when that’s no longer the case, trump will have no use in tolerating him any longer. elon will be discarded. trump isn’t exactly loyal to those around him.
Under normal administrations I would agree with you. But we are in end-times fascism bullshit.
Elon literally has his hands on the very department that prints government checks. He can, without any approval, write a check to himself.
sure, but why would trump, now that he has the same access being the head of the federal government, use that access altruistically to help someone who is no longer useful to him? that’s not really his character.
if it were as simple as writing a check using the access, why wouldn’t trump write checks for himself instead?
It’s not altruism. It’s quid pro quo.
explain the value of quid pro quo when the quoer no longer has anything of value to offer?
He does, though: Twitter.
Twitter, which was financed using tesla stock as collateral. He won’t have it for much longer if things keep going as they are.
Idk if a bank would margin call Musk now. If they did, I’m sure they’ll be “investigated.” Or Tesla will be awarded a multibillion dollar government contract or something. Musk also has a lot of equity in SpaceX, which is probably worth something like $150B atm, and will definitely be getting nice government contracts.
The sooner he goes broke the better.
Tesla takedown protests are happening across the US and starting to spread outside of it too!
Starting to spread outside of the USA?
Non-Americans were first to drop Tesla thank you very much!
Jesus American exceptionalism is one HELL of a drug!
I said Tesla Takedown Protests starting to spread not sales boycott starting to spread. This is a specific protest movement that started in the US and is primarily still clustered in the US but now increasingly growing outside it. Please don’t twist the words I’m saying
The first Tesla [Takedown] Protest occurred in Tucson, Arizona
Here’s what the mapped of planned protests looked like 6 days ago
And here’s where it look like now where you can see more within Europe alongside more within the US
Yet something tells me he will live his entire life in affluence somehow.
But a presidential administration is required to keep classified records, and records of all meetings in general.
It may take decades of FOIA requests, but those records are SUPPOSED TO BE KEPT, not deleted forever after 7 days.
This regime using Signal is a major red flag and a permanent information black hole.
Only 4k? Gotta get those numbers up.
That Darkmoon trinket really bringing it down