Back in the days of MW2 (the first one in ‘09) I considered myself to be quite good. Frequently being top of the team and this carried on to Black Ops Cold War that was the most recent CoD I played the multiplayer of.

So when I jumped into MWIII for the free trial weekend today I was expecting a similar experience to the original MW2 as they’ve brought all of the maps from that game to this year’s offering.

Oh boy was I in for disappointment. Now I still consider myself more than competent at games. I’ve been playing games since the 1980’s so I don’t think it’s a skill issue. But I didn’t kill shit in two hours of playing.

As soon as you move from the spawn you’re sniped from the enemy spawn or mowed down by some douche camping a corner 5 seconds after spawning. It’s hopeless.

I also had an issue landing any shots. My bullets seemed to be mostly passing straight through the other team but I seemed to die from just being looked at funny. And how do they always know EXACTLY when you’re about to come around a corner or through a door? You can see from the killcam that they’re already firing BEFORE they spot me. So how do they know.

I hope it’s not just me and my (almost) 40 year old reflexes letting me down but MWIII seems like one of the worst multiplayers alongside Vanguard. I played on PS5 with crossplay switched off so I wasn’t playing with PC players with a mouse but that didn’t seem to help.

Hopefully Microsoft will give the franchise a much needed couple of years off to reset and come back stronger. And most importantly included in GamePass.

Do you like this years CoD MP or do you find it as frustrating as I do?

    1 year ago

    About 3 years ago I played a CoD during the free weekend and had mostly the same experience as you. What I found to be the cause of the problems is that the starter guns have a much higher time to kill than the unlocked and modded guns that the rest of the players were using. Players know to prefire based on the map at the top-left. The game basically has a built in radar hack. You can camp a corner, aim at the opening, and watch the map to know when to prefire. Players who started playing when the game launched and are still playing have memorized the spawn locations and know where to aim to catch fresh respawns.