450 W Grixdale, Detroit MI, is a Single Family home that contains 3212 sq ft and was built in 1951.It contains 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.
The Rent Zestimate for this Single Family is $3,495/mo, which has increased by $438/mo in the last 30 days.
Assessed value is often very different from the actual/sale value of a home because it refers to the value that the home is taxed on and is subject to all sorts of limits depending on where the home is and which laws it’s subject to. For example in some states assessed value can’t increase above a few percent a year unless the home is rebuilt.
Assessed value is often very different from the actual/sale value of a home because it refers to the value that the home is taxed on and is subject to all sorts of limits depending on where the home is and which laws it’s subject to. For example in some states assessed value can’t increase above a few percent a year unless the home is rebuilt.