That doesn’t answer my question, how does shutitng down the Federal government that Trump controls speed him up?
It’s the one thing the Dems in Congress can press on him. Republicans did it to Obama, why can’t we have the representatives we voted for, myself included, represent the need to slow him down?
Just keep giving him money and rubber stamp his bills for the Neo-Enabling Act. That’ll show him!
A government shutdown would no doubt help the GOP dismantle the government faster.
By shutting down the government
That doesn’t answer my question, how does shutitng down the Federal government that Trump controls speed him up?
It’s the one thing the Dems in Congress can press on him. Republicans did it to Obama, why can’t we have the representatives we voted for, myself included, represent the need to slow him down?
Just keep giving him money and rubber stamp his bills for the Neo-Enabling Act. That’ll show him!