New Jewel Revolution (1979)

Tue Mar 13, 1979


Image: NJM supporters and NLA fighters gathered at Radio Free Grenada on the morning of March 13th, 1979. From the Grenada National Museum []

On this day in 1979, the People’s Revolutionary Government (PRG) was proclaimed in Grenada after the Marxist-Leninist New Jewel Movement overthrew the state in a socialist revolution, with Maurice Bishop serving as Prime Minister.

After coming into power, Bishop stated the goals of the NJM: “We definitely have a stake in seeking the creation of a new international economic order which would assist in ensuring economic justice for the oppressed and exploited peoples of the world, and in ensuring that the resources of the sea are used for the benefit of all the people of the world and not for a tiny minority of profiteers”.

The new government developed an ambitious social program, initiating a literacy campaign, expanding education programs, worker protections, and establishing farmers’ cooperatives.

During the PRG’s reign, unemployment was reduced from 49% to 14%, the ratio of doctors per person increased from 1/4000 to 1/3,000, the infant mortality rate was reduced, and the literacy rate increased from 85% to 90%. In addition, laws guaranteeing equal pay for equal work for women were passed, and mothers were guaranteed three months’ maternity leave.

The government suspended the constitution of the previous regime, ruling by decree until a factional conflict broke out, ultimately leading to Maurice Bishop’s assassination. President Ronald Reagan launched an invasion of Grenada a few weeks later, on October 25th, 1983.

“We have attempted to show in this Manifesto what is possible. We have demonstrated beyond doubt that there is no reason why we should continue to live in such poverty, misery, suffering, dependence and exploitation…The new society must not only speak of Democracy, but must practise it in all its aspects. We must stress the policy of ‘Self-Reliance’ and ‘Self-Sufficiency’ undertaken co-operatively, and reject the easy approaches offered by aid and foreign assistance. We will have to recognise that our most important resource is our people.”

- Manifesto of the New Jewel Movement (1973)