EDIT: no, I don’t sympathize with nazis (neither I sympathize with those who call everyone nazi when they’re losing an argument ;)
Yes, let’s enter discussion with the literal Nazis so we can try to understand them. There might be nuance to their calls for mass genocide.
Fuck off OP.
It’s funny how people always use play it like “oh, it’s just differing opinions” when what they’re actually defending is indefensible malarkey like nazis and tankies. They know if they made a meme saying we should “try to understand” nazis and tankies, they’d be downvoted to oblivion. And so they hide behind a shield of “differing opinions”.
These cretins have a right to post nazi and tankie shit on their own instances – them’s the beauty of the fediverse. But I also have a right to not want hate speech, genocide denial, and Hitler/Stalin/Mao simps polluting my feed. It’s not mere “differing opinions” when one person’s opinion is “Holodomor didn’t happen, and if it did, the Ukrainians deserved it” or “Holocaust didn’t happen, and if it did, the Jews deserved it” or whatever apologia they wanna peddle.
It’s funny how people always use play it like “oh, it’s just differing opinions” when what they’re actually defending is indefensible malarkey like nazis and tankies. They know if they made a meme saying we should “try to understand” nazis and tankies, they’d be downvoted to oblivion. And so they hide behind a shield of “differing opinions”.
There’s an actual term for this: Motte and Bailey. One of many hallmarks of disingenuous shitbirds.
Another horseshoe theory take… Last I checked the “tankies” saved everyone from the Nazis. Let’s equate genocidal/colonial violence to defend capital, with the efforts to establish socialism. LOL
Last I checked the “tankies” signed a non-aggression pact with the Nazis and only became a reluctant ally because they were betrayed.
If you follow your own link to a list of non-aggression pacts, Wikipedia lists 9 of them, most predating the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Other countries were signing these pacts with Nazi Germany. Not to mention the USSR attempted to create alliances with other European powers, but was rejected. The writing was on the wall that war was heading their way..
I can’t read the first link as it’s behind a paywall. The second link talked about how Roosevelt tried to establish cordial relations with the Soviet Union but was hampered by their refusal to acknowledge debts owed by the Tsarist government, refusal to stop spreading propaganda within the US, and the killing of Leningrad Communist party boss Sergey Kirov which " launched the first of the “Great Purges” that led to the death or imprisonment of millions of Soviet citizens as the Stalinist regime liquidated any potential critics of the government. The wide scope and public nature of the purges horrified both American diplomatic personnel stationed in the Soviet Union, and the world at large."
Gee I wonder why the USSR had such a tough go at getting allies…
HiTlEr WaSn’T aLl BaD
Hitler wasn’t all bad. After all, he did kill Hitler.
Fuck that. Defederate all Nazis.
lol its this shit every time libs see a legitimate left stance. im assuming you’ve seen the sh.itjust.works defed post. its like 5 super vocal users having a conniption fit that there are communists on the internet
452 (and counting) defederates
defederate to maintain your very special echo chamber
defederate to stop sh.tjust.works chuds from harassing your comrades in DMs with violent, transphobic and ableist attacks
If someone says, “you just can’t handle that my views are different than your views”, they are either a Nazi, or a tankie.
‘people posting stuff you consider harmful’ is not a simple, black and white issue. Anyone who pretends that allowing all opinions has no consequences is full of shit, anyone who claims that tightly policing opinions has no consequences is full of shit.
Like almost everything in life, you will have to navigate a tenuous balance between these two things and you will never know if you got the balance right. You are just a sack of meat doomed to die.
We are getting close to massive life extension/ clinical immortality.
People were saying that about cryogenics.
Humans have a vast body of knowledge about how things work. It’s a shame its dwarfed by the vast body of knowledge we are completely ignorant of.
Much as scientists managed to be surprised that life had evolved to eat garbage in the pacific garbage patch, it seems some will manage to be surprised that when humans eliminate one source of mortality, another inevitably evolves to take advantage of the ever-growing supply of humans.
The marketplace of ideas is only okay if they’re ideas I agree with!
Nazi is a communist term for delegitimizing a legitimate sovereign nation. Cope with it. Churchill said so.
Many instances have shit like hexbear federated, but have explicit rules on the side saying “no tankie shit”. make it make sense.
stop being anticommunists and this problem is resolved
Tankies aren’t real Communists
Sucking the dick of authoritarian regimes does not make you communist
Why does it always go to homophobia with these types
Idk where the homophobia is, I’m partial to sucking the odd dick myself, just not Mao Zedong or Vladimir Putin :p
“umm actually I used it as an insult because it’s a good thing!”
How do you people survive the cognitive dissonance necessary to convince yourself you’re not being bigoted?
“you people”?
Besides, I’m not bigoted because I disagree with your ideology, my way of pointing that out may have been hyperbolic but certainly not bigoted
Yeah, you people, people who used homophobic insults about dick sucking but insist it’s ok because they’re gay/bi/have an LGBT friend.
I agree that you’re not bigoted because you disagree with our ideology, but you are definitely bigoted for using bigoted insults to point it out.
Heaven forbid an actually existing place on the planet actually make some real tangible gains for its people while necessarily suppressing threats
There’s “threats” and there’s “anyone remotely criticising the regime”
There are some tangible gains in these places but also significant losses for the freedoms and rights of their residents
They don’t/didn’t suppress criticism, that’s a myth
Real Communism exists only in the pure and untouched ethereal plane of your mind palace.
Hell yeah there’s that lib homophobia, 1 milimeter below the surface at all times
I’m bi but no go ahead, call me a homophobe for making a dick joke :p
Then you should know better than to be homophobic as a substitute for saying anything interesting. Self-reflection would probably help you to not embarass yourself in the future.
I support whatever this is so idk what that makes me
Celebrating an increase in life expectancy from 30 to 40 years old is not remotely the win you think it is.
I’m celebrating the increase in life expectancy from 35 to higher than that of the US, actually, which is the win I think it is.
The point is not the immediate increase in that specific 5 year period, the point is the clear trend of rapid, long term increases after a long period of stagnation, with the pivitol turning point being exactly when the CPC came to power. You’re supposed to look at the whole graph.
China never manipulates data coming out of their authoritarian country so good thing we can trust it. I’m sure their life expectancy is great with all their industrial pollution that regularly causes smog in their inner cities.
Here is my source do you have a source that disputes that? Or is your belief based entirely on unfalsifiable faith?
Also curious if you think Chinese life expectancy is still like 35 or what lmao
You may also be interested in what the World Bank, that infamous communist propaganda rag, has to say:
Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below $1.90 per day – the International Poverty Line as defined by the World Bank to track global extreme poverty– has fallen by close to 800 million. With this, China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty.
My god he can’t read a graph. How has our educational system been allowed to fail for this long?
I’m not committed at all to China as the salvation of the communist project, but it’s exactly this sort of self-imposed illiteracy and ignorance, and nearly religious faith in the inferiority and duplicity of The Orient that makes me default to distrusting anything negative a cracker says about it.
Careful calling those regimes authoritarian. Hexbears like to attack this point by assigning a slightly different definition to authoritarian and then either (a) claim that all governments are “authoritarian” or (b) blame liberals for using this word to demonize socialist states. I once saw someone cite https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Authoritarianism to “prove” that those states are not authoritarian.
Not by “assigning a slightly different definition”, just by applying the definition consistently, rather than using the
It’s worse than just that. They argue that acknowledgement of Stalin’s atrocities is Holocaust denial.
They are so scared and insecure they will lash out against anything that slightly challenges their beliefs. If they post sources it will be misreadings of fringe groups, or conveniently ignoring facts. Like how they believe tiananmen square wasn’t a big deal because the China killed about 300 people a mile away. Or how Cuba is a utopia even though it’s citizens chose to get run over by the coast guard instead of living there.
They argue that acknowledgement of Stalin’s atrocities is Holocaust denial.
No, we argue that equating the bad things the soviet union did to the holocaust is holocaust trivialization, which is a take from mainstream liberal historians. Because the bad things the soviet union did were tiny compared to the holocaust and pretty tame compared to the other Allies.
As ever, actual Jewish Holocaust scholars agree with us
It’s intriguing how everyone that views themselves as moderates/liberals forget (or are unacquainted with it) about the paradox of tolerance.
Tolerance implies everyone has a right to express their ideas and you want that. You want everything out in the open, so you can pick at it, dismantle it and render it pitiful, ridiculous and useless.
You want the intolerant crying out loud that you are intolerant as that means you are doing the right thing. The intolerant want silence, forced, while the tolerant want noise, anger, tension.
Remember that anything worthwhile needs to be fought for. Don’t regret being vocal and harsh towards intolerance.
Lemmy.ml should be sent to purgatory.