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Here’s their promise to never use forced labour for their cocoa.
There’s also the Tony’s open chain: a pledge by many companies (not just eu, also us) to use only ethically sourced cocoa. The companies are: here
Tony’s is great and tastes awesome, but the real question here is, are we european really eating that much non-EU sweets? Maybe the occasional Snickers or Mars, but all the stuff that I tasted and was from across the pond was either brutally sweet or had no flavor at all.
Marabou is Swedish but is also fully owned by Mondelez which is American. Mars, Sneakers, Bounty etcetera American.
I’m not european so i can’t answer with certainty: but most (including EU corporations) chocolate producers are very unethical, exploiting forced labor and destroying rain forests.
A change is still a change, even if you think it is small :)
As always, I appreciate you and the content you post. I hope you’re doing well :)
Thank you! :D i am :)