the amount of money from your streaming subscription that actually goes to your favourite artist is negligible (especially with Spotify, as they won’t even pay any money to niche artists before they reach a certain amount of plays). I’d rather get my collection stored for completely offline listening, available in a high quality format and playable through any app that I want instead of a clumsy streaming client that tries to shove podcasts in my face or doesn’t know how to shuffle properly, and then every few months spend the equivalent of two or three months of Spotify on an album that I really like on Bandcamp, preferably on a Bandcamp Friday, when Bandcamp doesn’t take any cut from the purchase.
the amount of money from your streaming subscription that actually goes to your favourite artist is negligible (especially with Spotify, as they won’t even pay any money to niche artists before they reach a certain amount of plays). I’d rather get my collection stored for completely offline listening, available in a high quality format and playable through any app that I want instead of a clumsy streaming client that tries to shove podcasts in my face or doesn’t know how to shuffle properly, and then every few months spend the equivalent of two or three months of Spotify on an album that I really like on Bandcamp, preferably on a Bandcamp Friday, when Bandcamp doesn’t take any cut from the purchase.