trying to translate this is left as an exercise for the reader
hint: you’d use it at the breakfast table
This is an intentional meme tho. Its not a real word, just a product name. It does precisely describe the tool and its purpose tho.
If your Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher is broken, you can get it fixed by the Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacherwartungsfachangestellter who works at the Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacherwartungsbetrieb which can be contacted through the Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacherwartungsbetriebkontaktformular.
Well, yeah, it’s a name of a thing, but it’s not like a brand product name.
Just like chainsaw is the name for a toolAt least I don’t know of any other describing this kind of tool, that would be more general
Or maybe I just understood you wrong…?
I meant as in that this word isnt in a dictionary. Its just a name that was made up for this product. Nobody uses it ever.
Are all not all product names kinda made up?
Like a “Steinschleuder” also is made up to describe the item - just like my chainsaw example earlier
it’s like how you can just make up a larger number by adding one to it, that doesn’t make it a real number used by anyone.
it needs to actually see use and be useful
Originally those were like that too maybe, but words only get real meaning by being used by people a bunch and universally understood as a specific thing. Anyone can make up any combination of words, but nobody will understand what you are actually talking about.
Not so sure about that
Many words, especially combined ones, have implicit meaning, because of the words they useIt’s not like ‘chainsaw’ could mean a ‘mouse trap’, because we already know what a saw and what a chain is
Of course in principle words are consensual social constructs, but I always find it highly irritating, that we throw out the baby with the water, by saying, nothing means anything until we decide on it
IIRC the same theme from the absurd formal name that the patent agency used to describe it’s use case in a formal way.
I also get the im pression that the memes with German com pound words take off be cause English split all their com pounded words with spaces, so you get stuff like “chain saw” in stead of “motorsag” and so on.
We Norwegians who in stead make fun of people who write com pounded words with spaces (orddelingsfeil, wortteilenfehl oder so) don’t really get their fascin ation.
english is also a big fan of the hyphenated words, which is like when christians decided that puffins are fish so they can eat birds during lent.
Eierpiekser is too simple though.
It’s also not the same. The Eierpiekser is used before cooking to prevent the egg cracking. While the Eiersollbruchstellenverursacher is used after cooking to finally crack the egg but in a controlled manner. Like all things should be u.u
Welsh doesn’t fare much better in my eyes.Is there a version with audio of this scene? :D
He looks kinda proud after he did it (rightfully so) :D
Thank you for posting! <3
That place must have been named by a cat on a keyboard
worth noting that this is just a PR stunt, no one actually uses that name seriously, it’s just called llanfairpwll
it’s like how king charles III is technically fully known as “Charles the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of his other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith”
That still doesn’t dismiss my point.
it… does though? it’s not any stranger than loads of other place names, england has penistone and the US has humptulips
Welsh has so many consonants, I would not even have a clue where the syllable are. At least the Germans construct their monstrous words from slightly more understandable words. But then again, my German, despite only really being able to read it, is much better than my Welsh. If I actually took the time to learn the language, I would think much better of it.
last week i encountered “Silvesterraketenabschussvorrichtung” in the wild.
I know from looking at it that it’s one of those kitchen gadgets meant for cracking an egg held in an egg cup to neatly remove the top, and that it’s the variety where you pull back the heavy metal ball and it springs back towards the egg to crack it. I don’t speak German, though, so I don’t know how much of that is contained in the name, haha.
It’s: Eggshell-predetermined-breaking-point-causer
Is there a German compound word for ‘wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man’?
For Family Guy it was translated as Wabbelwackelarmiger Windhosenkamerad :D
Hat wer erfahrung damit? Funktionieren sie gut? Ich denke ich könnte damit meinen Hühnereierthroughput erhöhen aber will keinen nutzlosen Klimbim rumfliegen haben
funktionieren, wenn du irgendwelche motorischen Einschränkungen hast sind sie sehr zu empfehlen, wenn nicht kriegste du das wahrscheinlich mit einem Messer genau so gut hin.
Ich find die Teile lustig und benutz sie gerne.
Whenever I encounter long compound words in German I always use the - camelcase writing style (idk the actual word for it).
So you go from Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher to Eierschalen-Sollbruchstellen-Verursacher which is still long af but imo better to read and perfectly legal.
camelCase PascalCase kebab-case
so I guess this is a mix of Pascal and kebab case :D
Also: snake_case
right! my favorite one, actually