I’m looking for a watch that is able to do basic “smart” things like show notifications and ping my phone if I misplace it. A timer/stopwatch would also be good, and a long lasting battery.
I have no interest in an Apple watch or Galaxy watch, so I’m looking for something comparatively cheap.
I would suggest to look at the models supported by Gadgetbridge and pick one from there. I know I can trust Gadgetbridge not to leak my data since it doesn’t ask for network permission.
I used it for several years, through multiple gadgets (in chronological order)
- Pebble
- Pebble Steel
- Pebble Time Steel
- Mi Band 4
- Amazfit Bip
- Bangle JS2
- Casio GBD-200
I miss the pebble and fsck Fitbit for killing it.
I’d second the recommendation for Gadgetbridge and would add most of the Amazfit watches to the list. I have the Amazfit GTS 4 and it has run flawlessly with Gadgetbridge.
I thought about using Amazfit products but all the new ones require Huami/Xiaomi server pairing. How was that process?