SQL, you love it or hate it. Become Sherlock Holmes and hate it even more, euh I mean love it. Enjoyment is subjective anyway. Now if anyone wants to torture me, make a regex version of SQLNoir.

What’s my obsession with Wikipedia? Ask the people selling door-to-door encyclopedias in the olden days. So what happens when you mix an encyclopedia with a liminal space? The Museum Of All Things, Wikipedia made into a procedurally generated near infinite display of art. The only improvement I could come up with is adding multiplayer support in order to stumble into people wandering the halls of knowledge too.

KISS, one of the most important values in software design. But simple problems sometimes require complex solutions, as a response we have Dumbware. Needing barely any configuration, they solve those simple problems in the simplest way possible. Not ideal for public or production environments, but perfectly suitable for everywhere else.

Shortening URL’s is a staple of the internet, why would you send 200 characters of nonsense when you could be sending 20? Zero Width Shortening takes this to the next level using Unicode that is not rendered by the browser. Honestly, it’s something that is more important to know about than it has uses. As a demonstration, here’s my Lemmy instance, made one character longer. Don’t ask too many questions okay.‍󠁬󠁶󠁦󠁤󠁣󠁡

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