Nah you’re 100% in the wrong here, and it’s wild that you bring up respect, as if this attitude and behavior isn’t incredibly disrespectful. Calling someone is literally not disrespectful. What the fuck is wrong with people
Isn’t it? On a cell phone it demands that I drop what I’m doing at a moment’s notice and respond to your inquiry. Unless it is something time-sensitive, the call probably should have been scheduled or a text message would have served the purpose without demanding an instant response
Yeah its like walking into a room without knocking, while im talking to someone and just screaming at the top of your lungs: “WE NEED TO TALK RIGHT NOW”
If you did that irl without a very good reason i would slap you.
I mean yeah, depends on who is calling ofcourse, but also im just in airplane mode 24/7 so not gonna happen anyways. The only time people can call me is if there is some kind of event we are going to that requires spontaneous planning.
then you have say something along the lines of “sorry about that” and they are obligated to respond along the lines of “don’t worry about it”, then here is where I forget what the topic was with both people because my deteriorating mind does nothing but fail me these days.
Not a single person in my life has ever had an issue with the fact that i prefer to be texted and reserve phone calls for more immediate issues. My time belongs to me and no one else so I have no obligation to answer people, and text is faster to parse for me and always has a protocol available if I need it later.
Calling someone isn’t disrespectful. Calling someone that has made it clear they do not want to be called except for emergencies is. In my case I’d just mute all calls from them after it happens the second time.
Nah you’re 100% in the wrong here, and it’s wild that you bring up respect, as if this attitude and behavior isn’t incredibly disrespectful. Calling someone is literally not disrespectful. What the fuck is wrong with people
Isn’t it? On a cell phone it demands that I drop what I’m doing at a moment’s notice and respond to your inquiry. Unless it is something time-sensitive, the call probably should have been scheduled or a text message would have served the purpose without demanding an instant response
Right? IMO it’s rude to just call someone out of the blue and expect that they’ll be able to drop everything to chat with you.
Unfortunately, my mom loves to call unannounced, and because my parents are getting older I feel the need to answer in case something’s wrong.
Yeah its like walking into a room without knocking, while im talking to someone and just screaming at the top of your lungs: “WE NEED TO TALK RIGHT NOW”
If you did that irl without a very good reason i would slap you.
The phone rings, that’s the knock. You can hang up for many reasons. Maybe it’s the culture of 100% availability that’s wrong, and not phoning.
You know you can say “I’m busy, I will call you back later.”
Or you just dont pick up which has the same effect…
nope, befcause then the other person does not know that you plan on caling back
Maybe i dont plan on doing that. And i can always text them after.
If it’s a person you like why not spent some words on the phone?
I seldom get called by persons i don’t like, because why should they call me?
If it’s a person I like, they’ll likely share my view on the sudden phone calls.
And I’d rather plan for a call with a person I like so that I can have as much uninterrupted time to talk to them as I need.
I mean yeah, depends on who is calling ofcourse, but also im just in airplane mode 24/7 so not gonna happen anyways. The only time people can call me is if there is some kind of event we are going to that requires spontaneous planning.
then you have say something along the lines of “sorry about that” and they are obligated to respond along the lines of “don’t worry about it”, then here is where I forget what the topic was with both people because my deteriorating mind does nothing but fail me these days.
Phone rings
“Hi, do you have time for the call now?”
“No, Im busy right now, I will call you back.”
Where disrespectfull?
Way faster then text!
Phone rings
I’m doing the dishes and my hands are wet
I’m sitting on the toilet
I’m in an online game
I just got the baby to sleep
I’m pipetting a solution
I’m with a customer
My hands are covered in engine grease
I’m meditating
I’m on my bicycle
I have gloves on
I’m carrying heavy furniture
I’m driving
I’m swimming at the pool
I’m in the middle of a set
I’m trying to put out a grease fire on the stove
Sure, I can ignore the phone, but it’s loud and distracting.
Then turn down the ringtone volume
Sure, I can ignore the phone, but it’s quiet and distracting
you need to chill
Not a single person in my life has ever had an issue with the fact that i prefer to be texted and reserve phone calls for more immediate issues. My time belongs to me and no one else so I have no obligation to answer people, and text is faster to parse for me and always has a protocol available if I need it later.
Calling someone isn’t disrespectful. Calling someone that has made it clear they do not want to be called except for emergencies is. In my case I’d just mute all calls from them after it happens the second time.