Its basically like a cloud storage, and your local storage (your brain) gets wiped every loop. You can edit this file any time you want using your brain (you can be tied up and it still works). 1024 Bytes is all you get. Yes you read that right: BYTES, not KB, MB, or GB: 1024 BYTES

Lets just say, for this example: The loop is 7 days form a Monday 6 AM to the next Monday 5:59 AM.

How do you best use these 1024 Bytes to your advantage?

How would your strategy be different if every human on Earth also gets the same 1024 Bytes “memory buffer”?

    8 days ago

    I’ve got about 300 or so words worth of storage

    That’s more than enough to explain to myself what’s going on, what I’ve tried and anything else I’d want to know.

    Are you insane??? 300 words is nothing. Imagine trying to investigate the time loop so you can break out. Merely keeping a list of the people you’ve already investigated would become impossible way too quickly.

    More likely you’d try to make notes to yourself to preserve some sense of persistent identity and purpose in the face of the time loop. But that would require detailed descriptions of your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, and 300 words is only enough space for a few fairly meaningful notes or maybe several dozen super condensed notes “No flight 318, crashes. Love is time waste. John, Rachel, Liam, Tom are DTF. Murder 300 W. Elm 3/11 @ 4pm. Time flat circle? Saw in True Detective tv show”…etc But that type of note is barely adequate to convey simple instructions, much less to convey a sense of identity.

    Just this comment is like 150 words. Christ I’m stressed, just thinking about it.