Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?
Class solidarity among the rich. Rich people want willing servants. They want people to fear disobeying them.
People are scared and angry and want action without thinking about the long-term gains only the short term. Creating fear is fascism 101 and how many rise to power
We need more violent good guys
We are losing the class war.
Because Evil is winning globally.
Hate drives engagement and can have multiple intersections with opposing view points. Take our algorithmic methods of serving content and you get silos of positivity with oceans of hate in between that fuel metrics of user engagement and view time. Drive your share price by those metrics and run the economy on those share prices. Viola hate becomes the new most important resource to generate and those who can spread it most effectively or direct that hate become those with the most power. If we want to break that grasp on power we need to break the cycle of engagement being tied to hate, find a way to drive engagement through positive action and understanding. I talk like I know how to do that but in reality that’s one of the most difficult problems humanity has in general. Like greed is terrible but if you could figure out how to make positivity and mutual understanding more profitable than spewing hate and divisiveness you could channel those at the tops greed into positive feedback loops. Once you have more understanding, and equity in individuals understanding each other we can them finally work as a collective to start eliminating things like bigotry, poverty, etc.
Neuroscience says that the scared brain has a lower IQ, which is good for giving in to survival instincts in an acute threat situation, but really bad to make any longterm decisions. Populists try to scare us for this very reason. Scared people are easier to manipulate. It’s working, and it’s fucking scary how effective it is. But I am not scared in the way that lowers my critical reflection. So I hope someone brings out the guillotines before more poor people (our people) die.
Well. Lots of people drank the kool aid. As long as some people getting a feeling of Power (like shitting on minorities), they will take the blow from the ruling class.
The last time that shit worked started WWII.
But yeah. What will we do about it. There are days where I think we will make it through. But other days I just feel weak and powerless and think we’re doomed.
Fuck greed, eat the rich.
Evil has always been there. People have a tendency to turn a blind eye when it isn’t directed at them. Recently it’s very much been directed at Europe and North America. It brings the problems of the world into sharp focus.
Capitalism is dying because of unchecked greed and people are turning to socialism. The wealthy choose fascism. Until we have class unity. Once we bring out the guillotines, They will retreat to spending the rest of their lives in the bunkers they have built with their stolen wealth.
because theyve been laying groundwork and slowly infiltrating every corner of our society for over 50 years.
The slow burn was for purpose, to keep people from noticing, and so that anyone that did notice and point it out would look like a crackpot.
and, imho, I think they didnt expect the opportunity trump presented globally, in his first term, but they chose to come out of the shadows and try to exploit it regardless, which is why they’ve had the stumbling blocks they have had that has given opportunity to fight it.
I think the same but feel a bit better when I go to protests to meet people, working out, reading.
Im taking this time to improve myself and meditate. System is designed to keep the rich without any checks and balances. But we cannot lose our faith in each other, stay close and make tribes. Join clubs. Stick together.
We got this.
Because evil is loud and self-important, and people doing good have learned to be mycelial, underground, quietly building the new world in the shell of the old.
Fascism is rising because the bourgeoisie is funding it to keep out Communism, Socialism, Marxism, and other things that explain why most people globally cannot afford a house, or why England pays such low wages, or why groceries are so expensive in America, or why Germany is undergoing an economic collapse. Once you understand Marxism even simply, these quotes will start to make sense.
P.S. If you’re going to say that fascism is rising in power, please just say that. I know that things are shitty because fascism is rising, but I hate when people are vague.
Unpopular opinion, but in the west particularly, folk have mistaken writing on the internet for action.
Tweeting resistance rather than performing it.
A lapse into inaction framed as radical rest and self care.
Online they are fierce warriors of justice, offline they go to work in Starbucks, use their apple devices to talk to their families and enjoy the treadmill of streaming services.
And this isn’t to blame them. This is the point of consumerist capitalism. To trap you in a gilded cage.
This is why I’ve stopped reading much of the content I had been reading before. Unless an article is about what someone is doing to stop what is happening, what is the point in reading it? I don’t care so much about the bad, rather in how the rest of us are preventing it.
For all the people complaining, I haven’t seen many talking about what steps they are taking to change the momentum. I get why I’ve may not want to announce what protests they are attending, but I haven’t noticed much new talk about mutual aid or volunteering efforts. I know the recent political climate globally is motivating me to be involved in both.
I’m waiting to hear back in a volunteer position helping local wildlife, and once I get that schedule worked out, I’ve already started looking into local food aid opportunities as well.
If our society is leaving gaps unfilled, as you said, it’s up to us to fill them ourselves before we all fall through.
I used to go to protests, from USA to Australia to NZ and UK… I’m not going to another protest until we start occupying gated communities. I’m sick of standing around looking pathetic occupying some sidewalk and politely leaving when told to by police. And to think that’s the best the so-called “leftists” can do, then I remember to back when things were bad - how the police and FBI would raid groups, murder them, drop bombs on them, and assassinate their leadership - and realize that leftism was defeated long ago. I want to keep it peaceful, and start picketing in places that matter like outside mansions and gated communities. Just stand outside the homes of billionaires to tell them we know where they live, we out number them, I think would be enough to shake things up a bit because they’re cowards too. However, in my heartest of hearts, I believe anything short of an armed overthrow of one dozen billionaires will never be enough. Fuck tinkering and pushing the needle slightly. Loud and armed leftist groups are needed now more than ever and there’s zero of them to be found.
you might want to look into socialism
I haven’t seen any socialist or anarchists show up with guns to protect protestors from police with guns, nobody has since the 60s.
theyve been definetly doing stuff like this sometimes in the us.
Exactly I budget and limit my time online to get specific kinds of information.
What kinds of information?
Where and when. I will make time to be there.
It’s time for good people to do some association too.
I’ve noticed no one actually wants to change their habits. I know so many people who will spout off about the environment, then think nothing of flying thousands of miles multiple times per year on the flimsiest of pretexts. Think nothing of eating meat with every meal. Will look at you with horror when you suggest public transport.
When it comes down to it the vast majority of people are selfish af. They’ll justify whatever their greedy little hearts desire, then tell themselves they’re the hero of the story.
That would make sense except when you realize this is new media and is exactly how the right is warping minds. Elon didn’t buy Twitter because he was bored. We cannot concede all social media to the right and until there is a platform that can’t be bought the people won’t ever have a voice.
Well observed. People pour a lot of energy into political actions. The question is what that energy gets used on.