No, I don’t see how you mocking oral sex has anything to do with politics or this article. Unless you are just trying to be uncivil and mock people. Which I don’t think adds to the esteem that this community should be striving for. Maybe try showing a little class. I’m not your enemy. You don’t even know me.
Conservative politics 101. You clearly already know.
No, I don’t see how you mocking oral sex has anything to do with politics or this article. Unless you are just trying to be uncivil and mock people. Which I don’t think adds to the esteem that this community should be striving for. Maybe try showing a little class. I’m not your enemy. You don’t even know me.
Just telling the truth. No need to mock when your king models for the world to see.
The truth about what? I don’t even know what you are going on about.
The card says moops.
I have no idea what that means, never seen that word, and definitely not looking up based on what you have been saying so far.
You haven’t seen Seinfeld? Wow, you aren’t American, are you.
Look it up on YouTube if you don’t believe me.
I’m not American because I don’t some random word from Seinfeld? While posting in a political community? Ok…
Sorry to burst your narrative, but I’m american and older than you are.