Good thing I don’t practice Santeria because I ain’t got no crystal ball
I bet you’d spend a million dollars though
Jokes on you! I spent it all!
Is necromancy still ok?
Only if you clean it all up afterwards.
But I don’t practice Santeria.
… sigh
Do you have a crystal ball?
Nope. I did have a million dollars l, but I spent it on fur coats and Kraft dinners for my friends. But not real fur coats, that’s cruel.
I blew it all on Dijon ketchup…
And pre-wrapped bacon
That uhh, dead chicken on the ground there seems to say otherwise lol.
If people are allowed to put up signs prohibiting religion in graveyards some atheists have the opportunity to do something really funny
What about mumbo and/or jumbo? Is hocus pocus ok? Or just straight up black magic? The dark arts? Occult practices?
And no dog DOODOO
kulam practitionerss: 😈 ✨
Do we have witch police now?
There has always been witch police. They ride pulpits instead of brooms.
You laughing, but that is great neighbouring management. Someone must have said “we’re not voodooing, we’re hoodooing” and the city added a no hoodooing part
Hear me out, the food in this town will blow your mind.
Do the rules even count if they arent highlighted in red? You can tell the cop that you are colorblind and cant distinguish between black and white