If you haven’t heard this cliche while discussing your neurodivergency with someone, then I envy your luck. Yesterday I fucked up, I feel shitty, but also I am pissed.

Our brains are impulsive af and tend to forget the most important information. We mess up, our RSD (and empathy) kicks in, we feel terrible, we vow to be more careful, but guess what? Thats fucking exhausting.

As a result, we start overthinking our every waking moment, stressing over every little thing. Because, we are trying to be aware of the things we cannot perceive.

At some point, hopefully we realize that we cannot live like that, and we start to arbitrarily ignore our compulsion to overthink. Most often that works out great because most often the threat is not real, but sometimes we make the wrong call.

The times we overthink are still more than the times we do not, and we still mess up. Let us have our fucking peace.

  • systemglitch@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I got diagnosed with ADHD and you will never hear me reference it for any excuse for anything ever. It’s the worst crutch to excuse lack of self improvement.

    All a person can do is deal with themselves and grow.

    I regret society ever learning about it, it is so abused as an excuse to forgive a lack of personal awareness and growth.

    I just roll my eyes at the shit people say claiming they have ADHD. Pathetic really.

    • AddLemmus@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      I think it should be relative to the person’s abilities. 8 hours of work, laundry, 50 minutes focussed studying, healthy dinner, remembering aunt’s birthday and bedtime at 10 might seem reasonable to most. Some with ADHD might also pull it off. For others, their best is to do one of those things after work.

      Different people, good and bad days. Absolute measure & judgement for everybody is the problem.

    • Stamets@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      All a person can do is deal with themselves and grow

      Then why are you projecting your own view of ADHD onto it? Not really dealing with yourself if you’re judging everyone else with ADHD based off your own difficulties.

      Only thing I’m rolling my eyes at here is blatant hypocrisy. Pathetic really.

        • Stamets@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Maybe dont be so desperate to paint other as the villain.

          Dude, you started whining and complaining about people who you’ve invented in your head after basing all of the troubles of people you’ve never met off of what you’ve personally gone through. You literally started this. You don’t get to whine when someone points out your behavior is no different than what you’re complaining about. You created a strawman and lit it on fire.

          You’re a narcissist. I’m going to block you now because I can see absolutely zero value from anything that you’re contributing. It’s just malice, hatred, small mindedness, and self absorption. Especially when looking at your other comments in this thread like “I don’t care about peoples birthdays, it’s selfish bullshit and everyone loves me for it once I point that out.” Jesus christ.