I’ve seen deer NOT jump in front of my car. That’s genius level for those things.
My niece’s French bulldog would bump a chair with his head to move it across the kitchen, then use it to reach a bowl of pecans on the counter. He only counts as wild animal because he liked to drag his stuffed animals to the living room and hump them in front of the tv.
I know people that you would classify as a wild animal
I watched a crow throw nuts on a street to get them cracked by the cars driving on it. Those guys are Hella smart!
I read this as cow at first and was so confused lol
I’ve seen them do this, too! Crows are scary smart, I think they can even recognize specific humans and remember whether or not they’re good people.
They especially remember bad people. It’s ok to not like crows, but for your own good, never let them find out. Or always park your car in the garage.
Not 100% wild, but I once saw a lost/stray gray cat approach a woman (my wife) in a Family Dollar parking lot in the freezing cold meowing for help. She was exactly the correct person to seek help from and it was a smart move because here he is a year later (we adopted him):
My siamese cat tricked me into taking care of her full time, providing the most expensive veterinary food, yearly visit to the vet with all the vaccines, daily manual depoopificafion of her toilet with the most exquisite unscented natural clay litter, access to my bed with 100% cotton linens, a permanent bedding area with a heating mat underneath, brushing on demand (she’s a siamese so the demand is LOUD), and so on. 17 years of servitude so far.
edit: saw too late that it was a request for “wild” animals, sorry
I’ve seen a crow fly down from a tree and land on the corner of a sidewalk, look down the street in both directions, and then cross the street.
It was simultaneously the smartest and dumbest thing I’ve seen a wild animal do. Smart in that it actually looked both ways and crossed when the traffic was clear. Dumb in that the stupid bird could have just flown over and not had to worry about shit.
Reminds me of this time I saw a bunch of geese by the road. One was going to cross, and another goose grabbed it and pulled it back because there were cars coming.
I had the same thought about the fact they could have flown and avoided the whole street crossing fiasco in the first place.
Crow doing human larp
I saw a racoon mimic a human’s voice to distract someone to go outside while the racoon snuck in and grabbed all the timbits
Run the hell away from humans
I saw a crow fish a big sharing bag of crisps (chips) out of a bin. The bag was nearly full and too heavy for it to fly away with so it landed pulled half the crisps out and onto the ground, then picked up the now lighter bag and carried it off.
Who throws out a nearly full bag of chips?! They’re like 6$ here in Canada!
Funnily enough, this was in Canada!
Our cat slides hair ties or socks under the bathroom door so that you can play with her.
Watched a pet raccoon steal a small screwdriver and then put it back after the (fake) yelling started. It was genuinely like watching a child play with a parent. It stole shit all the time though so maybe play better games but still wholesome lol
Not a wild animal, but if my dog wants something that another dog at my house is using (a rawhide), he will paw at the back door to get let out. When I get up to let him out, the rest of the dogs get up and assemble by the door. Once I open the door up, the dogs rush out, but he turns around to go steal the thing he wants. Sometimes, I let him do it. Other times, I grab him and push him out with the rest of the dogs. Gotta teach him that sometimes crime pays sometimes you get pinched.