Just a few short months and it’ll grow into a proud spanning tree.
Something something water something broadcast storm? Yeah that’s all I’ve got.
And now I am reminded of all the dishes I had to replace or seal with silicone because whenever it rained, they leaked water down the ethernet cable into the POE and it would short the thing out and potentially cause fires. The company (Unwired Broadband) didn’t want to actually replace them until the customer called for a problem nor did they ever warn anyone about the potential danger, despite knowing this catastrophic flaw in a single dish design and having a warehouse full of replacements.
Careful, similar to kudzu or bamboo Ethernet can be invasive in some environments and quickly grow out of hand:
wow, you’ve got a dense ethernet forest there! are there any kind of bugs you can attract to control ethernet?
Copper shielded pre terminated patch cord. Systimax label, lime jacket, pinch at RJ45 looks like a popped collar.
8/10 it moves me in a way that makes me slightly uncomfortable with it’s beauty.
Nature is so beautiful!
there’s a torrent joke here somewhere