Since my last one gained so much traction…
Here is your thing of the day. I just overheard a phone call between a prospective client and one of our salesgals. This guy insisted that we send him step-by-step directions from his house to our office via postal mail. Why? Because he “doesn’t do” computers, the internet, or text messages.
Nor apparently does he simply write anything down that was, just for sake of example, relayed to him over the telephone three whole seconds ago.
Our salesgal, not being terribly familiar with the area, wrote down the address and passed this on to me (i.e., the keeper of the hallowed postage stamps).
…This doofus literally lives in the apartment complex across the street from our office. I’m looking at his balcony from my seat in my office right now. If I had a nice baseball sized rock I could throw it right through his window from here.
Of course I called him back and told him this. I’m not rightly positive if he understands what I’m telling him or not. He still insisted I mail him our address and directions. I can’t tell at this point if this is because he is genuinely a moron, or has some legitimate disability or mental foible that necessitates this for him, this some kind of elaborate prank, or if he’s just doubling down now in the hopes that it’ll help him save face.
I printed out a Google map and drew a (very short) line on it with a highlighter from his door to ours, stuffed it with some of our sales literature, and I’m going to go tape it to his door after work. I’ll be damned if I’m wasting a stamp on this.
sunbrrnslapper@lemmy.world4·19 days ago