I just think it’s pretty cool that Felix, who has never really mentioned anything Linux before, chose to go with a Linux distro for the PC he put together.
Link to video : https://youtu.be/tsu0Rw3Nqi8?t=1554
I just think it’s pretty cool that Felix, who has never really mentioned anything Linux before, chose to go with a Linux distro for the PC he put together.
Link to video : https://youtu.be/tsu0Rw3Nqi8?t=1554
He made that as a waful joke, to the point even his fans also asking him to stop making those edgy jokes. He used to make N-word or any edgy joke because he was toxic gamer mentality. I remember seeing a total backlash on Pewdiepie official subreddit.
After the incident, he stopped making any edgy jokes. All of his content in the past half decade are basically wholesome or hobbyist stuff. He also recognize his mistake on several occasion.
I don’t know who he is, just that he’s some kind of YouTube celebrity. Apparently, if he’s not an extremist, he’s a braindead idiot. I’m not sure it’s actually much better. Well, maybe a wee bit better, but not by much.
Not gonna watch the alt-right fetishist just because his mask is back on. Hard pass.
People can change. Not everyone is born aware of the seriousness of making that kind of joke.
I personally don’t follow him so I don’t personally have an opinion on whether he has changed, but I believe that people have the capability.
He already said publicly multiple times that what he his edgy joke in the past is wrong. We should embrace people progress into a better individual, right?
All of his content in the past five years after that incident also all wholesome or positive stuff. No more edginess or even slur.