The music video is chilling and I highly recommend.

Some quotes:

  • “And Elon, we know exactly what that was bruh”
  • "If you still haven’t said shit about the genocide, know your grandkids one day are gonna ask you why "
  • “Just 2 weeks in think were we’ll be around July”

Edit: Uncensored the song title as requested - I fucking love Lemmy :)

    1 day ago

    This is Lemmy; you’re allowed to say “Fucked Up.”

    Listen up, as your Eat Fresh and Free Public Defense Attorney sponsored by Subway, I have to tell you they’ve got you for a violation of the McDonald’s Play Place Act. The Corporate Freedom Force shows you violating your right to self-censorship on social media, a violation of the PP Act punishable by a minimum of 10 years in the Ronald McDonald Federal Freedom Penitentiary. That’s right, kid: the ball pen. Your best shot is to plead for the mercy of the court, but you’ve gotta plead “I’m Lovin’ It” and make the social network of your peers believe you’re d*rn well loving it, otherwise you’re still going to be fixing McFlurry machines when you’re 20.