Top 3:
- Shingles in my eye / face / scalp.
- Appendix ruptured while I was on the toilet.
- Kidney stones (multiple times)
I am picturing this all happening simultaneously
Chronic cluster headache sufferer here. To sum up, I’ve been: Shot, stabbed, shot a second time, broke 7 bones in various appendages, hit with a baseball bat, hit by a car, multiple teeth issues, and migraine headaches, sprinkled for fun.
Basically, I took steve-o’s motto and ran with it (your body is a ride, ride it until the wheels fall off).
None of this comes close to the lightest cluster headache I’ve had. The sheer panic, the knowledge of what’s about to happen, the inescapable amount of pain I know is coming… Fuck CH.
What do you do to get put through all that?
Made light of someone else’s cluster headaches in a past life
It’s the best remedy I’ve tried insofar as it’s the only thing that has worked as any type of preventative, and the only thing that has disrupted a cycle for me. It doesn’t work as an abortive, in my experience, but it beats every pharmaceutical I’ve tried in every other way.
Sourcing it has been an issue, and it sucks to open yourself up to criminal offense for not wanting to live in pain, but we do what we have to do.
The circumcision I had in my mid teens. Well, not the circumcision itself, but the erections I would get in the morning which would rip the stitches out of my cock, bleeding until I masturbated with anesthetic gel to orgasm just to stop the pain.
In which context does someone get a circumcision mid teens?
I have a family member who got one in his 30s.
Erections began to hurt so much due to phimosis, he and his wife weren’t having sex.
Circumcision is not exclusively for the religious, there are medical reasons it may be chosen.