Your thinly veiled bigotry is still just bigotry, despite hiding it behind a strawman

  • Queen
    18 days ago

    Oh shit, that’s much better at getting to the point than asking “So if Lia Thomas had an unfair advantage, you’ll be all on board for confiscating the medals of the people who beat her until we can get an investigation going?”

    Heck the only female athletes I can name are the transwomen who keep getting involved in these debacles, The Venus Sisters, and the female fake jock to Elon’s male fake nerd herself, Rhonda Rousey, aka the second worst voice actor that Mortal Kombat has ever had.

    Seriously Megan Fox, I know you’re better than this, how the fuck did you manage to sound like someone reading off a card when you’re voicing a blood-addicted killer vampire with big beautiful wings? For the love of fuck, why can’t you have fun with this like John Cena did? I mean even Not-Anthony voicing Homelander seems to be enjoying himself even though he keeps turning his Homelander impression into a Jack Nicholson on certain lines for some fucking reason.