Do people manually remove the date from these so it’s not so obvious that it’s ancient?
You say ancient, I say timeless
“A dog, having entered an inn, did not see anything, (and so he said): ‘Shall I open this (door)?’”
By 7th grade some were already just taking smoke breaks.
Being the one who emptied the entirely overfilled sharpener… Taking a good solid 4 whacks on the bin to get it to clear out enough you could just shake the rest out … Totally not getting stared down the whole time by literally everyone in the room… During the totally exaggerated 3 minute long shake out. Then proceed to sharpen pencil. Don’t forget to empty the sharpener again.
That definitely unlocked some childhood memories, lol
Good chance to stretch the legs and get the blood flowing.
Omg. 100 percent.
Get up to sharpen a pencil every 15 to 30, with building anxiety the longer you wait
With that big ass crank sharpener that was screwed to the counter beside the bin :)
ass-crank sharpener
Mechanical pencils are vapes?
so accuracte. never got to the point of refilling a mechanical pencil though id lose them like everyday
Lol, those sharpeners are almost always broken, or the blades are rusted.
Some schools don’t even have them. (I’m talking about Philly schools btw)
Whoa whoa. My public school in Philly had them and the mostly worked. Rusty as all hell but they mostly worked.
I don’t think this experience is as universal as some people might think. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a poor district, but most of those wall mounted sharpeners at the “bin” were broken or had been removed decades prior. And in the few select cases where they existed and were functional, the teachers would absolutely no put up with kids taking frequent or extended sharpening breaks.
He’s wrong for calling it a bin. Gross.