In the internet age, few figures have been subject to as much meme-driven mythmaking as First Lady Melania Trump. Mimi Mihăilescu argues that Melania memes reveal how humour and speculation can obscure the complexities of real-life individuals. They also reinforce harmful stereotypes and detach serious political discourse from reality

    25 days ago
    • AI written

    • Scary puff piece sucking up to the new dictator in town, or

    • Freshman high school “persuasive paper” assignment.

    Not sure which, but it’s at least one of those.

    Of course, these interpretations can be very funny. Yet they risk trivialising the dynamics of an intimate partnership under intense public scrutiny. They also obscure the reality that Melania has consistently defended and supported her husband’s policies and public stances; evidence that she does indeed have agency in their relationship.

    Ah yes, because what someone says publicly can never be coerced or lack authenticity.

    Some interpret reports of her ironclad prenuptial agreements and carefully staged public appearances as acts of agency. These people argue that Melania is showcasing her ability to navigate a high-stakes marriage for personal benefit. But by focusing solely on curated moments of perceived discomfort, the internet perpetuates a selective narrative that erases Melania’s active participation in Trump’s political life.

    No really, she loves and supports him. Trust me bro.