I honestly think it’s one of the most organic lines in the game! I mean, sure, it would’ve been really cool to give her a Die Hard-esque quip or one-liner, but who among us doesn’t know that one friend who botched a line which could’ve sounded a lot cooler than it ended up?
To me, it adds to the feeling of really getting to know the characters, it’s as though they open up enough to let their guard down even in terms of small details, like we’re really becoming friends.
It’s a dumb joke used to build the idea of the NCR stretching itself too thin.
It builds both the world and Cass’s character. If anything it’s one of the best lines from the game. Especially considering it’s lived on like this.
Modded Fallout New Vegas is literally the best game ever.
If you haven’t played New Vegas with an unholy amount of mods to further enhance the once in a lifetime masterpiece Obsidian made, you haven’t lived.
I have only ever played FO 1 + 2. I now would like to play New Vegas, what mods would you consider “must haves” and “recommended”?
I would recommend following the Viva New Vegas guide. It’s more of a vanilla setup with bug fixes and stuff like that, definitely wouldn’t go to hard on mods until you’ve played it vanilla/mostly vanilla first. That’ll give you a better idea of what you want to change for a new playthrough after your first run!
Great, thank you for the recommendation!
If you want to build a robot army, get RobCo certified. Nothing like massacring your enemies and conquering the wasteland.
Viva New Vegas
I played and loved FO 1 & 2. I was so disappointed by 3 that I never would have tried New Vegas if a friend hadn’t bought it for me as a gift. New Vegas might be my favorite single player game.
It’s unfinished. You can tell when and where they ran out of money. But the vision, atmosphere, characters, lore. It’s just so fun to explore. I highly suggest you take the Wild Wasteland perk at start. It doesn’t do a whole lot, but it’s the little things you’ll come across that’ll make it feel like the first two games.
I keep getting killed. Can’t ever keep Ringo alive. I am constantly overburdened since I don’t know what to and what not to keep yet.
I am having a blast so far.
You’ll have a blast, very reminiscent of FO1/2 some of the writing from Van Buren was also adapted for NV. Personally I think it’s the best fallout after 2.
3 is a fun game but Bethesda will never be able to write RPGs like Obsidian, the company just doesn’t have the same principles to do something like that
I would avoid the rest of series if I were you, it’s a cash cow series for Bethesda now
Honestly, getting Tale of Two Wastelands would be my recommendation. Absolute best time I ever had with either Fallout 3 and New Vegas!
TOTW is fun except you’re really overpowered for yhe beginning areas and kind of ruins the fun/challenge
I like that though. I am a seasoned adventurer at that point! Plus, I think they have a
n optionmod where you lose all your perks and skills and whatnot when you get shot, so there’s always that!You can set it so it de levels you but gives you an exo boost I’m pretty sure.
TTW + an unholy amount of new vegas content mods is like 3 games slammed together
Cass and Ulysses may have the best and worst writing of the whole game
Cass and Veronica are my favourite followers. Best background history with them.
That writing is absolute gold wdym :3
I mean yeah… Have you seen his dick?
I’m sure there’s a mod for that!
(because of course there would be)