Take the blackouts seriously, because the next escalation is the south shore of the Rubicon
How does a global spending shutdown work for those outside the US? just not buy US stuff?
That’s a great place to start!
Probabl Edit: lol
No American entertainment either. No movies, no music, no tv shows, and so help me if you so much as sharply exhale out your nose to an American meme!
If this happened in any other country … it would be a coup
Since it happened in the US … media get to use their imagination to describe it any other way than the truth.
I sure wish someone else could CIA us for a change.
You have been CIA’d … this is what all those South American countries felt in the 70s and 80s … this is what Iran and the Middle East felt like in 1950s … this is what Indonesia felt like in 1960s … this is what Africa has always felt
That feeling of being totally hopeless, helpless and being held at the whims of powerful wealthy overlords that could destroy your life, your community and your country at any moment? … the CIA has made most of the world feel like that for about a hundred years and now they’re doing it to their own people.
Isn’t it being Russia-ed?
I don’t think it’s the CIA doing it to us. We are just dumb as bricks and voted for this because eggs were expensive and trans people bad or something. But I don’t disagree with anything else.
Russia learned a few tricks from our CIA…
This a thousand times. This is Milton Friedman’s Economic Shock Treatment come home to roost.
Milton would be so happy now ☺️
We need Rico Rodriguez.
Why? Just 'Cause.
It’s not just Trump and Musk. Remember, there are two supposedly co-equal branches of government that could step in here.
The entire Republican party is complicit in this.
The entire Republican party is complicit in this.
Partly through threats and leverage and fear. The previous term purged most of the GOP who weren’t cowards.
Hey Americans, take to the streets or you’re signaling implicit approval.
Canada and the rest of the world is watching.
They’re watching to see how to do it.
They have literally been saying this forever now! It’s written in their goddamn little project 2025 outline. The Vice president literally said we’re going to fire everybody and replace them with our people.
I mean, how much clearer do they need to fucking say it!?
I bet you they could literally get on fox media and say “we’re taking over the fucking government. It’s a coup.” and their supporters would be cheering them on and nothing would happen.
In fact, his supporters think he’s the greatest thing since sliced fucking bread because he’s purging the liberals.
You can’t call this a coup! They made free speech illegal.