Next she’ll be wanting to throw a lemon-themed party has some great lemon-themed party ideas.
My colleague had a small lemon tree in his office that flowered and produced two lemons. In anticipation of their ripening, he posted a sign on his for the advertised “lemon party” where he would make lemonade from them and share. After the party I filled him in (vaguely) on what it meant. He was mortified. The end.
A lemon tree, eh? Hey! It’s been about 12 seconds since we last checked in on our beloved lemon tree. Gotta protect it from those LEMON STEALING WHORES!!!
pray for her to not want to know about the reproductive habits of goats
If this is a reference, it has nothing to do with goat sex. I am elated to report to everyone’s chagrin that it’s an acronym which stands for Guy Opens Asshole To Show Everyone.
If not, I may have missed the video/site this references somehow, but am still glad I got to say the acronym out.
She knows. She’s fucking with you.
Grams got seven kids. She knows more than you do, Billy.
Hey Google ‘Creampie recipe’ safe search on
You clearly underestimate the internet.
‘food creampie’ works even with safe search off.
So does “Grandma’s creampie”
Source: trust me
Cream pie
Making it two words makes all the difference
‘recipe for creampie’ is a better search term to prevent unwanted search suggestions.
Words like ‘for’ make no difference in Google searches, it has to do with how the search index weights words.
That’s easy, you just have to add a “recipe” at the end and it will show you that.
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The “recipe” make sure the search engine only give you food item, so safe search or not it will only show you the actual food. This is true for any other word you wanna search, if you want definition you add in “meaning”, if you want the game and not the movie you add in “game”, if you be specific the engine will show you the specific if its available.
Make sure she knows about the effects of Monosodium Glutamate. Make sure she looks up e621 (the E number of MSG), as the name was already censored, to get information on dangers of this commonly used substance.
Google is trying to censor information about this substance to help fellow corporations and tries to make these search attempts look scary by filtering it out with something called “SafeSearch”, but the truth must be exposed, so disable it.
P.S.: Text in images takes longer to censor, so it is recommended to look into the image tabThe effects of MSG:
makes for taste good.
and here I thought it was a healthier alternative to NaCl :\
I have no problem with MSG and use it regualraly. But would you really use it in a cream pie?
Do it coward!
Yea, make that cream pie with Grandma
I fear I’m missing context, what’s wrong with creampies?
If you are serious, look up creampie on urban dictionary.
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Do you mind finding a good recipe for me? Remember, safe search off, those calories are not good for you.
This is an Always Sunny in Philadelphia ep.
After that she needs to to help with a Portuguese Breakfast.