The word -chud in Chandrachud is pronounced as -choodh. It means crest. Essentially, the word means someone who has a moon crest, which is a possible reference to Lord Shiva saving the Lunar God Chandra from Daksha’s curse.
Dhananjaya is an alternative title for Arjuna, one of the five (six, if Karna is included) from the epic Mahabharata.
The word -chud in Chandrachud is pronounced as -choodh. It means crest. Essentially, the word means someone who has a moon crest, which is a possible reference to Lord Shiva saving the Lunar God Chandra from Daksha’s curse.
Dhananjaya is an alternative title for Arjuna, one of the five (six, if Karna is included) from the epic Mahabharata.
Yes I know, just thought it was funny