Hell yes I can! I think this is the closest likeness yet. His expression is really close but not quite right. The eyes though, that’s my favorite part. I used a completely different process and it worked much better for me! The whole painting was nearly finished but no eyes, pretty much just closed eyelids. Then I started painting on the eyes and it helped me a ton.
For a full resolution version: https://mastodon.social/@BallShapedMan/113998897109569265
Your painting looks more like him than his picture does! I don’t understand how that’s possible.
Yes! The eyes! I was going to comment on them before I even read your post. They are truly Sam Jack’s eyes! Well done!
Thank you! I’m so excited. The focused effort is really paying off.
It really is. I’ve looked at this again, and I think you’ve captured more of the essence of SJ in the eyes than the photo does. In your work, there’s more of his “What the fuck?”-ness. Amazing how art works. I have no skill in this direction, so it seems like magic to me. Great stuff!
Wow, thank you!
And it’s magic to me too. Starts out looking like a finger painting from a 3rd grader and ends up like this… Magic!
Been enjoying this series!
I’m glad to hear it! I’m starting on Arnold from Jurassic Park tonight.
You’ve cracked it, dude
Thank you! Now let’s see if I can replicate the success. Then I’ll try to do it off screen. Looking at the source image next to what I’m painting is a lot easier than a live model so I’ll try that next when I’m feeling confident to see how it goes.
Wow you nailed the eyes
Thank you!
God damn, most impressive one yet! Are you gonna do more still?
Thank you! And yes, not sure which Sam I’ll do next but I absolutely will start another one today or tomorrow.
I’m excited to see more!
Lol me too!
This is so beautiful. What a vibe! Your reference photo is cool but the painting is just splendid.
Thank you! That’s so kind!
Loving the gradual improvement in this series. Looks great!
Me too!!
Yes you look great too 😉
Thank you 🔥🔥🔥
Hell yeah!
This one nailed it!
Wow it look great! Congrats.
Thank you!
Disco Elsyium vibes.
oh wow, that’s really good!
also is the pic from glass?
Thank you! And I think so, I haven’t seen it yet. It’s on the list though. No spoilers! 😁
Yes you can
Oh yeah, now we’re cooking. Yes, it feels like he has slightly more anger/attitude in your version, but it is 100% Mr. Jackson!
Yeah he needs to be a little more whimsical. I’m working on it. Expressions are hard! 😆
I like yours better! 😘
Awe, thank you!
I’d put this up on my wall, congrats!
I’m humbled to read that, thank you!