Godot went from a promising but limited engine for hobbyists to the 2nd most popular engine for solo developers in about a year. We’re even finally seeing high quality Godot 3D games releasing to Steam.
Give it a year or two and Godot might start to make headway into the established studios, too.
Unity’s implosion has been amazing for loads of engines. other than Godot too. Bevy is making progress, and some of the biggest indies this year are on less known engines, like Balatro’s Love engine
It’s great that Godot was in a good place when Unity had its (inevitable?) implosion. Having used both engines I think they are comparable enough that Godot was a perfect fit for small indie and casual devs to move over to without having to learn a completely new workflow. If Godot hadn’t been around I don’t know where everyone would’ve migrated to.
I’d argue Unity’s implosion was wholly evitable. All they had to do was announce, going forward, there would be different licensing. Big new version six months from now? Hey guess what, we’ll do things differently from then on, so make your preparations accordingly. But no - they fucked over existing projects. They tried to retroactively interfere with the business decisions of games that were years into development.
Oracle only gets away with that shit because they’re an eight-ton gorilla. And people still desperately look for the exits every time Larry Ellison announces a relicensing scheme based on how many computers you can think of.
Unity was one of the first applications that made me take a good look at FOSS in general because my experience with it was:
“Hey let’s make a game for our final project”
“Okay, let’s try Unity”
Flashbanged in light mode
Dark Mode is only available for real cash money subscription license
“Yeah okay nvm let’s try something open source lol”
They really paywalled dark mode? That move alone is incredibly dumb. Surefire way to alienate potential new users before they’ve even tested anything serious.
Used to. It took a single registry tweak to enable it which was easily found, but still a pain.
having to hack around your IDE for something that simple is a real bad sign
Glad to see there are some level heads leading this project. Also great answer to how to pronounce it, the GIF creator should’ve gone for that instead of the pun.
Yeah except it’s named after the play so it’s definitely pronounced God-oh. I think people just mispronounce it Go-dot if they haven’t heard of the play. Looking at you Mr Linus Tips.
From the article linked on this very post:
Those open source values even extend to how you pronounce the engine’s name. We asked if Godot is pronounced “Go-dough,” like the play, or “Go-dot.”
“It’s open source,” Verschelde said with a grin. “Pronounce it however you like.”
And its logo is a robot, so it isn’t unreasonable to think it’s go-dot