Macro keyboards are mini programmable USB keyboards that can be pressed to trigger shortcuts, a sequence of keypresses etc. They can have several layers so switching to a different one will trigger different keypresses from the same key, so e.g. different IDEs can be represented.

I’ve just bought one with a view to setting up shortcuts for debugging. Each IDE has its own unique keys for navigating through the code, so I figure it’ll be nice to just press one key to start debugging and one key to step into instead of a combination of ctrl+whatever etc

Do you use one? If so, what do you use it for and what size do you use? Is it too big / too small?

    8 hours ago

    There should be a parts list on that GitHub. You’d need two microcontrollers, two batteries, all of the switches and keycaps you want a bunch of resisters and hot swap sockets if you want hotswappable switches.

    The keyboard is a modification of the corne so if you can’t find a tutorial on this one specifically I’d you want to watch a video, a corne one would suffice.

      1 hour ago

      Well, I can’t see a parts list in that repo, but I did find others. If the offer’s still open, I’ll definitely take a couple PCBs. Where did you buy the rest of the parts from?