I love that when asked for specifics, your response is just some vague, orientalist drivel. It’s clear you’ve either never been to any of these places or if you have, didn’t actually bother leaving the airport. You say that I’m doing immature romanticizing, but then you try and paint all of these places with a black brush. Anyone who’s traveled outside of their home country will be able to tell that this is just storytelling. The world is of course, far from perfect, but it’s also not the bleak dystopia you describe it as.
the vast Russian Empire.
What year do you think it is?
This is some real 🤡 shit. You’re either a fed or just really depressed. If it’s the latter, I hope that you can get some help. Otherwise, Minecraft is waiting. I see now why everyone else here ignored you and from here on, I will be doing the same. Bye 👋
A fed? That’s cute. Welcome to Qanon. I’ve lived and worked outside my home country for over 20 years, actually seeing the corners of the world you claim to adore, actually meeting the people and asking the questions because that’s exactly what I do.
Anyway, I’m sure Putin and Xi appreciate your help. I’m all for overthrowing Western hegemony, but surely we can be more creative than using China and Russia as models. Surely.
I love that when asked for specifics, your response is just some vague, orientalist drivel. It’s clear you’ve either never been to any of these places or if you have, didn’t actually bother leaving the airport. You say that I’m doing immature romanticizing, but then you try and paint all of these places with a black brush. Anyone who’s traveled outside of their home country will be able to tell that this is just storytelling. The world is of course, far from perfect, but it’s also not the bleak dystopia you describe it as.
What year do you think it is?
This is some real 🤡 shit. You’re either a fed or just really depressed. If it’s the latter, I hope that you can get some help. Otherwise, Minecraft is waiting. I see now why everyone else here ignored you and from here on, I will be doing the same. Bye 👋
A fed? That’s cute. Welcome to Qanon. I’ve lived and worked outside my home country for over 20 years, actually seeing the corners of the world you claim to adore, actually meeting the people and asking the questions because that’s exactly what I do.
Anyway, I’m sure Putin and Xi appreciate your help. I’m all for overthrowing Western hegemony, but surely we can be more creative than using China and Russia as models. Surely.