Cause now you are gonna have to balance the same work across less CPU power, you also now have to manage two GPUs, and switching between them, and hoping games run on the right GPU (which I bet you there will be many instances where they wont).
APUs are great for istuations where you cant have a dedicated GPU, like a handheld device, or a small formfactor device, where you can use the GPU part of the APU for media processing/playback and light gaming.
APUs are a waste of money if you including a dedicated GPU.
Running an APU with a GPU isnt less complication.
its more complication.
Significantly more.
Cause now you are gonna have to balance the same work across less CPU power, you also now have to manage two GPUs, and switching between them, and hoping games run on the right GPU (which I bet you there will be many instances where they wont).
APUs are great for istuations where you cant have a dedicated GPU, like a handheld device, or a small formfactor device, where you can use the GPU part of the APU for media processing/playback and light gaming.
APUs are a waste of money if you including a dedicated GPU.