Like, I don’t really enjoy airing all of my dirty laundry on here, but when I heard the idling diesel of a pickup parked against me at 9 p.m. for 10 minutes, I sort of knew what was coming.
It’s an industrial zone, so tractors at that hour are unremarkable. Pickups, on the other hand …
They finally headed north and clearly made a U-turn, because next thing I knew, I was hit. Now, you don’t want to confront people in Texas. If they’re willing to drive into you, guessing at their armaments is folly.
Something needs to be accelerated here. I’ve now been attacked. I didn’t have that on my bingo card for the week, but that’s pretty much everything. Musk killing the administrative state sucks, but this is not currently my main concern.
I’m sorry you experienced this, OP. As a European who has never been to the States it’s hard to imagine just how fast the US is going down the drain. It seems to me it is accelerating, bit entirely on the wrong direftion.
What are your options for leaving Texas? And would it realistically be better elsewhere?
I mean, I’m a Swiss citizen, but my Pass is expired, and getting to Atlanta when I just lost my job covering federal grants for green energy for obvious reasons is … let’s just say this is a Schweinerei.
If you have your biometric data registered, chances are you might still have access to Swiss consular services. May want to contact them and at least stay updated, before someone decides to, for example, preemptively deport you to El Salvador. Stay safe.
Sadly, I don’t. Pass expired before biometrics became part of the process, necessitating the trip to Atlanta to get that squared away. That’s the only consulate that allows you to register that information in the states.
My U.S. passport is also expired, since I’ve not made enough money to take a vacation, let alone an international one, since 2007. I’m not too worried about deportation, as I’ve got the rest of my papers in order given what we’re facing. Police have tolerated me thus far in my spot, but I can’t rely on that being a constant.