I assume this prevents some consumption of rations?
I was wondering why the DM would even need to make a call, but I guess that would be relevant.
Any DM that said no without a reason for a lack of ants would be a bad DM.
Maybe an ant hunt mini adventure or some minor consequence to this action.
Or just reward their creativity…
The best DMs will allow it as an immediate reward and remember it for minor consequences later to progress the campaign in some way. “Druid knocked unconscious and taken while eating ants” type stuff
“Sure you can.” Later on the druid fails a diplomacy check because they’ve got an ant stuck between their teeth.
Druids shouldn’t be engaging in diplomacy anyway. Most of the druids I’ve known, thought that diplomacy = “destroy all cities and allow the forest to grow you humanoid bastards!”
I kind of like the idea of "of course you can! … Rolls die
You have angered Ancephole, goddess queen of the ants!"
And then you get this cool side adventure where the party has been shrunk down and must escape a hive of sentient ants
Pretty sure ants are already sentient, but I like it.
Edit: apparently ant sentience is somewhat hotly debated, and the current understanding of ant consciousness and metacognition is murky.
My rule as DM is that players can freely expend their normally limited resources if it’s done for role playing or fun and doesn’t affect the story, combat, etc.
Druid wants to spend all evening as an owl in the rafters of the barn? Cool. Wizard wants to create a pocket dimension in which he can then use Wish to create the universe’s best ganja and smoke it in peace? Awesome.
Artificer wants to … wait, he wants to do WHAT with his pants? Okay fine, but we’re cutting to black for the evening. And there may be assassins in the morning now.
Ok so how much exp do I get for killing a hundred ants?