H.Con.Res. 9: Denouncing the horrors of socialism.
Feb 2, 2023 at 12:36 p.m. ET. On the Resolution in the House.
What does this mean
That the majority of Democrats have always and will always caucus with the Republicans to suppress the left.
It’s how party members voted for a bill
We like to joke about liberals being do-nothings, but I just saw some guy talking about how he’s going to stop going to red states or spending money there to “topple the oligarchy.” They literally think that not doing things is going to stop fascism. It’s ridiculous.
I am honestly shocked that “educated” people still overwhelmingly support them when it’s clear the DNC cannot be reformed and we are wasting time between its death and a new, better party that cannot exist before that because the US is a duopoly system and always has been. The Whigs replaced The Federalists because they all went to jail for collaborating with the British in 1812, the GOP replaced The Whigs because they all went to jail for corruption. No third party has ever jockeyed up, the prior party in that half of the duopoly just died. It is the DNC’s time.
I know its not gonna happen, but I believe the majority of the the republican party officials should be sent to jail and the party banned
If we had a functional democracy, the majority of both parties’ leadership would be in jail or turned over to The Hague