Damn USA about to include itself on its own travel advisory list
And soon sane countries will have the USA on their list of places LGBTQ people should avoid, and shortly after everyone is advised against visiting.
Already planning on contacting my member of parliament next week and asking why Smartraveller hasn’t updated it’s page on the USA re: LGBTQIA+ discrimination yet. I don’t feel that it is safe for me to travel there with my X gender marker on my passport.
I just noticed his smile gets wider and wider
When I see shit like this, I always wonder what it looks like in the commit logs, work items, and timesheets.
git commit -m “man idk just fucking kill me”
Literally TQIA+ erasure.
I don’t understand the train of thought. Do they need to compartmentalise their hate because they don’t trust the capacity of focus of their audience? Are trans and queer people so bad, they make gay people good in maga’s eyes? Are the social advances for gay people too settled for them to think it’s worth the effort to try and revert them? Do they want gay people to Stockholm syndrome ourselves in relief for not being a target for the moment? Am I assuming too much thought on their part and they just want to break stuff?
USA politics are tiring as fuck and the fact that we can’t ignore them because they are going to affect the rest of the world to some extent is infuriating.
Are the social advances for gay people too settled for them to think it’s worth the effort to try and revert them?
It’s this one. Public opinion is accepting of the “LGB” portion by an overwhelming margin. I know a lot of queer folks whose conservative families are perfectly accepting of them these days, way different than it was 20 years ago. People who are intersex can get fucked though, apparently.
deleted by creator
I don’t think that’s what’s happening at all. I think our trans brothers and sisters are suffering the brunt of a focused culture-war campaign to villainize them and drive conservative outrage. I think the LGB and QIA+ folks in this country are doing what they can in their communities to protect them and each other. Those in charge would seek to divide us and we cannot let that happen.
people who are intersex can get fucked
by me
Divide and conquer, some lgb folk are at the same time transphobic
Plus, this sets both a clearer and more direct target
The Nazi’s went after the communists first rather than the SPD, same here
Are trans and queer people so bad, they make gay people good in maga’s eyes?
The chief of Germany’s far right extremist party, the AfD (which is pretty extreme even by european far right standards), is a lesbian woman from Switzerland, and her girlfriend/wife seems to be some sort of “leftist” activist from Sri Lanka. There are definitely societal advances being made even among the extreme right, though it’s quite possible that that gets reverted as well once migrants, trans people and dissidents are ‘taken care of’.
Alice doesn’t sees herself as queer though, only lesbian. So she believes herself to be better and still hates the queer community. No advances here.
Do you really think a far right party would have accepted a lesbian (let alone a woman) in the 1930s? The 1970s, even? If not, that’s still an advancement.
I just skimmed the NSDAP Parteimitgliedsnummern on wikipedia. And there were woman as well in the Party, but I didn’t scan for any queer nazis.
So yeah okay, I’ll give you that that there is a token advancement.
There were women, but they certainly didn’t get anywhere near being national head of the party. And there was actually a relatively well-known and hierarchically high-up homosexual man in the NSDAP (Ernst Röhm), but Hitler had him murdered in 1934.
oh damn, I didn’t know that.
Didn’t know this. The attitude makes my head hurt.
They hate all of them, but they’re trying a divide and conquer approach. If they go for all the letters at once, they’ll get too much pushback, but they find that TQ+ don’t enjoy the amount of support the others have. Once they’re ‘done’, they’ll move on the others.
My friend is a lawyer and they’ve had their passport essentially confiscated by the government, instead of it being renewed. (They changed their gender) I am not optimistic, for the outcome, but it’s oddly satisfying seeing a licensed attorney pissed off and going to bat. I hope they kick ass.
Your friend is my new hero and if there is any way we can help them let us know!
Man this is just getting petty now
WTF do expensive model trains have to do with it‽
This is not ok but it’s also really dumb I hate it
meanwhile a cis trucker at a truck stop has no problem getting sucked off by a dude in a dress while his highschool sweetheart wife cries with his 10 kids at home.
About 71.
Honestly surprised lgb is still up
And the I too…
suprised they didn’t just take off the L and the G as well. Or maybe label it “sexually confused straight people”. I hate being called confused while these same arseholes can just call me a f*g