They don’t give a fuck about minimizing suffering, they gladly eat food grown by slaves, or overconsume things some communities rely on, or replace things made of leather with things made of plastic that’ll break down into microplastics. They force their shit into pets like cats who can’t thrive on a vegan diet. And that’s assuming they don’t just call you a nazi for even having a pet, or steal your pet from you so they can kill it. And ofc they’re just the most holier than thou pieces of shit anywhere, who think everyone who isn’t vegan is literally as bad as a fascist.

Yall are weird. Really weird. And you don’t have to be this harmful. Quit getting even more plastic shit, stop abusing pets, quit taking food from indigenous people who need it. You can minimize animal products without replacing them with even worse things, and failing to do so makes you just as much of an irredeemable fascist as the rest of us. Human suffering is not preferable to animal suffering. If you disagree, you are literally a sociopath

    7 months ago

    What’s weird is assuming that if someone doesn’t cause as much harm as you in some regard they must be doing worse in some other regard. Like are serial killers all saints in other aspects of their life and that is their big cruelty outlet?

    Some of these arguments are just baffling, especially the ones about food production itself. Can you explain to me how a vegan encourages more slave labor and steals from indigenous folk? A diet full of animal products uses more land and labour.