Killing in the Name is the right answer, I feel.
City Hall by Tenacious D.
🎵We’ll have ‘em screaming in the streets and tipping over cars and breaking windows of small businesses and setting fucking fires! Setting fuckin’ fires! And setting fucking fires!🎵
Not the government totally sucks?
What’s the name of the Benny Hill theme song?
Yakety Sax
Ministry - Ass Clown
Pretty much any Ministry song will do though
Kind of a different feel, but: Fight Song - The Stanfields
Also, Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls and Creeping Death
Finally, the entire first Matrix Original Soundtrack
Edit: Gorillaz - Feel Good is tickling my brain, and there’s something about Foster the People’s Pumped Up Kicks but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. And: Dope - Die Motherfucker Die
I love The Stanfields and For Whom The Bell Tolls is my all time favorite Metallica song. Want to be best friends?
Hell yeah! Let’s ride!
Final Countdown
The entire Rage Against the Machine discography. I have a lot of punching to do.
This thread is going to be a huge collection of fire songs.
This thread is going to be used as exhibit #1 at our tribunals.
I’ve got to be honest: it’s probably ska. I don’t even like ska all too much, but I think it would fuel my rage.
Dethharmonic, by Dethklok
Payback - Slayer
mmm so many slayer tunes can fit a beat down. payback is chef kiss though.
notable ones from slayer that came to mind for me
hell awaits, spill the blood, raining blood war ensemble, ok I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of slayer songs work for a variety of violent scenarios. this may seem obvious but it took me a bit to get there.
Pick a short one. Those dudes old af