
Representative Sarah McBride, the first out trans congresswoman, criticized Donald Trump’s executive order defining gender as strictly male or female.

McBride points out that biologically all embryos develop as female until the SRY gene activates weeks after conception.

The order, which ties gender to reproductive cells at conception, unintentionally categorizes all humans as female from conception based on biological facts.

McBride’s remarks highlight scientific flaws in the policy.

    2 months ago

    Anyone who thinks this shit is funny is in for a rude awakening.

    They do not fucking care. They will use this the exact same way that they would have used it if it was worded correctly.

    You don’t get out on technicalities in fascism; if the autocrat in charge wants to do the thing, he will do it. All of these things will be used as cudgels against perceived political enemies, and marginalized US citizens.

    • Bahnd
      2 months ago

      I want people to try to be less pesimistic, the point is that technicalities like this will waste time. Every one of these exectuive orders is going to be challanged in court, and while the GOP controls the higher courts, these cases will start in the lower ones. With any luck, the lower courts will stay the order until things can get resolved. Every appeal, every challange takes time to process and judges are under no obligation to resolve things quickly.

      The goal currently isnt to try and overturn the order, thats just pissing into the wind. The goal is to waste their time for 2 years and hope the house flips, if it does, we can send 47 back to his golf course for the rest of his term because he wont be able to accomplish anything.

    • Queen
      2 months ago

      They do not fucking care. They will use this the exact same way that they would have used it if it was worded correctly.

      The reason why this is good news is that the more bizarrely worded the order, the easier it is to get it throw out in court, America even now runs on the WORD of the law, not the intent.