You see that every single GOP votes with isreal 100% of the time, tho, so vote dem if theres no viable 3rd party in your district.
Here’s an idea. We all just stop. And loudly let them know they fucked up. Because rewarding them for this behavior is just going to get more of it.
This is why Trump got reelected.
the most furious debate of all time will be whether the United States is owned by the AIPAC, or the Russian Mafia.
if they aren’t in one pocket, its the other
AIPAC has every politician kissing the ring at their conference. It is not even a contest.
If Russia had the same level of influence as Israel, America would be invading Ukraine with Putin.
The list copied by hand from
Sorry for any errors
- Ansari (AZ)
- Bell (MO)
- Cherfilus-McCormick (FL)
- Cisneros (CA)
- Craig (MN)
- Cuellar (TX)
- Davis (NC)
- Frankel (FL)
- Gillen (NY)
- Golden (ME)
- Goldman (NY)
- Gonzalez (TX)
- Gottheimer (NJ)
- Horsford (NV)
- Landsman (OH)
- Latimer (NY)
- Lee (NV)
- Levin (CA)
- McBath(GA)
- McClain Delaney (MD)
- Menendez (NJ)
- Meng(NY)
- Moskowitz(FL)
- Norcross(NJ)
- Pallone(NJ)
- Panetta(CA)
- Pappas (NH)
- Perez(WA)
- Peters (CA)
- Riley (NY)
- Ryan (NY)
- Schneider (IL)
- Schrier (WA)
- Soto (FL)
- Stevens (MI)
- Subramanyam (VA)
- Suozzi (NY)
- Sykes (OH)
- Thanedar (MI)
- Torres(NY)
- Vargas (CA)
- Veasey (TX)
- Wasserman Schultz (FL)
Major EDIT: Originally copied the list from the last time this bill was introduced, it has now been corrected
It would be nice if this were sorted alphabetically by state, but thank you regardless!
- Ansari (AZ)
- Cisneros (CA)
- Levin (CA)
- Panetta(CA)
- Peters (CA)
- Vargas (CA)
- Cherfilus-McCormick (FL)
- Frankel (FL)
- Moskowitz(FL)
- Soto (FL)
- Wasserman Schultz (FL)
- McBath(GA)
- Schneider (IL)
- McClain Delaney (MD)
- Golden (ME)
- Stevens (MI)
- Thanedar (MI)
- Craig (MN)
- Bell (MO)
- Davis (NC)
- Pappas (NH)
- Gottheimer (NJ)
- Menendez (NJ)
- Norcross(NJ)
- Pallone(NJ)
- Horsford (NV)
- Lee (NV)
- Gillen (NY)
- Goldman (NY)
- Latimer (NY)
- Riley (NY)
- Ryan (NY)
- Suozzi (NY)
- Torres(NY)
- Meng(NY)
- Landsman (OH)
- Sykes (OH)
- Cuellar (TX)
- Gonzalez (TX)
- Veasey (TX)
- Subramanyam (VA)
- Perez(WA)
- Schrier (WA)
EDIT: Corrected when I realized I copied from the last time this was voted on
Very kind of you, thank you.
Cuellar (TX)
Votes like this are why the party worked so hard to quash the Cisneros campaign.
If we keep acting like anyone with a D by their name is perfect we’ll never fix shit.
The hard truth is the party needs to clean house because when shit like this happens “both sides” is hard to deny
If we keep acting like anyone with a D by their name is perfect we’ll never fix shit.
Progressives usually don’t (value based on group membership). You know those disappointments only got into power because they were the least-bad option. Because progressives don’t value loyalty; progressives need to fall in love.
Thing is, they have just one option, and it’s merely the lesser of two evils. They need more less-evil choices. They need more people saying “people have the right to defend their land” and blow the dog whistle, and then say “that’s not their land. That’s not defending” when they get in.
I say that’s 45 disappointments, but it’s only 45. Promise me you’ll get it to 44 and lower if they’re in your area. Do what you can, at least.
This isn’t a movie script; it’s a continual slog with a progress report every 2 years. This is one time when “line must go up” from the pit it’s in now. So. And I mean this after all that rambling.
Primary their asses.
Because progressives don’t value loyalty
Progressives do value loyalty. It’s why they’re so mad at the Democratic party, as it keeps showing that “loyalty” means “vote for us and we’ll vote against you.” Like they just did here for every Palestinian-American. Like they did last week for trans people. Like they did for the relatives of the undocumented when they adopted Republican border policy.
Know how to get shouted down on lemmy? Make a comment about how rotten the Democrats are, comparing their sins to Republicans. And here’s the secret sauce…
Let the next comment say, “fuck your ‘both sides’ bullshit!”
That’s all it takes. No matter the original comment, first reply sets the tone.
Sprinkle in some approved slogans to really rack up those points. A real point scorer is, “the suffering is the point!” Or, “capitalism”, or “racism”. Context be damned, just comment the right words and you can lead these kids around by the nose.
75% of Democrats voted against it and 100% of Republicans supported it. The problem in this country is Democrats, because a portion of them side with Republicans sometimes.
Do the 75% of the Democrats call out and throw out the 25%? Like the whole ACAB thing, how are these people allowed to represent the party?
Because their constituents voted for them.
The DNC allowed them into the party.
No, their state Democratic party did. Because they won a primary election.
Democratic primaries being famously neutral and all.
If fewer Republicans voted for it, more Democrats would have.
I can’t be an American. There’s no way my politics are this divorced from the average person and I’m still an American.
Only approximately 30% of the eligible voters in this country voted for Trump. They are not the average person.
What we need now is some polling on the average person’s views on the ICC and this in particular.
Why bother? Polling on issues doesn’t matter. If it did, we would have universal healthcare, a higher minimum wage, and universal background checks for purchasing firearms.
EDIT: and legal cannabis nationwide.
45 democrats need to get fucking primaried.
AIPAC is ready to fund them
Honestly, campaign on that.
“My opponent supports genocide. They’ve received xxx,xxx dollars from AIPAC. They’re being funded by foreign interests because they put those interests before you.”
And to any dem politicians out there thinking about it- AIPAC and Netanyahu fucked Biden. They are not your ally. They are not your friend.
Yes, but then they’ll be accused of anti-Semitism because people don’t understand the difference between Israel and Jewish people
They already are, and you are suggesting democrats become feckless cowards.
Learn to hit back. You’ll feel better.
Then we lose while making AIPAC spend money that would otherwise have been put towards further entrenching foreign influence.
It’s government backed, you can’t outspend an industrial nation on volunteer donations across every candidate.
If their candidates are going to win either way, I would rather them have to spend money keeping them in office than use that money for genocide.
This is what Democrats call bipartisanship.