The true way is not to reach things for others, but to lift others so they themselves can reach.
“Why yes, I’d be happy to. I’m a professional tall person.”
Hands out Card
I can also give you for 5$ a Month a daily update about the weather up here or I can place things on top of cupboards so your enemies can’t reach them.
As a short person I cannot hesitate. I may neither ask, nor wait to be bidden. When an artifact is loosed from the grip of another, I retrieve it with grace and expediency. The knees and the backs of the giants and ancients are precious things that must be preserved. This is the law of the little.
And yet my friend, you bow to no one.
When I bought my house it had been abandoned for years, so I had to remodel the whole thing. When I built the counters and cabinets I accidentally built everything based on my height, so everything in the house is a good 3-4 inches higher than most houses. Everything looks fine and works fine for me, but I have to get a lot of things down for the wife, and we have to have a couple different steps stools around.
This is the way.
I appreciate the giants. I’m very short and need help reaching things regularly. If I was one inch shorter, I’d be considered a little person legally. At least here in the US. I’m 4’11 🥲
You get the stuff that’s too low, we’ll get the stuff that’s too high. From each to each