Don’t promote violence … against your fellow slaves.
Get off the fucking road and hurt the people responsible.
Mamma Mia!
except he didn’t
the CEO (forgot his name) was only a player. The ones responsible are the legislators that make (or refuse to make in this case) the rules.
not sure i would agree with this necessarily, given that many of these CEOs are the reasons the laws get made in the first place with their lobbying. definitely feels like an effective message was delivered. if only we could get on delivering it 16 or 17 more times
Won’t somebody please think of the cars?
How to get your vehicle keyed
This looks photoshopped but i don’t know why. The bottom line of text has no warping while the top line + image have more noticable warping.
So the woman who in frustration said the “DDD, you’re next” words to insurance company denying her claim is charged with terrorism, but this is fine? even though a lot more non-CEOs have been killed this way on multiple occasions including last week, compared to that one CEO killed in an act that wasn’t even terrorism.
I don’t like the attitude behind it, but taken by itself, the phrase “all lives splatter” is kinda funny.
Still, you’re a dick if you put this on your car.
It’s a riff and disparagement of the saying “Black Lives Matter”, which in and of itself rules out any funniness, imo. That it’s about threatening violence against pedestrians just makes it worse.
I like this kind of humor. Not all protests deserve this, but I’m sure some do.
#AllLivesSplatter #CarmageddonLife