• saltesc@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    That’s not really true. Going to specific places for specific things is very different to putting one’s head in the sand. If you make such assumptions about your opposing tribes you’ll continue to increase social division, and that’s the core of this mess.

    Edit: Calm the fuck down. This is not where the war you want will be fought, and if it happens, you won’t be depended on to make a difference until the attrition gets really, really dire.

    Edit edit: Ooooooooh. I’m in Reddit. A’doi!

    • DomeGuy@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The issue isn’t fucking “social division”.

      It’s that one of the established American political parties went bat shit crazy and abandoned every principle they ever had in the naked pursuit of bigotry and power.

      Any time you spread “both sides” bullshit, *you’re aiding a hard-right propaganda machine *

      • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        It’s that one of the established American political parties went bat shit crazy

        People have been saying this about the GOP since Goldwater. The Republicans aren’t going batshit crazy. This has always been their platform. This has always been their policy. For 60 years running. The party of the Southern Strategy and the Red Scare hasn’t materially changed. It’s the Democrats (or, at least, the rank and file of the party) that has shifted from edgy white middle class GenX shitlibs to gender fluid, racially mixed, multicultural dirt poor Zoomers.

        This much the Crowderverse absolutely has right. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party is breaking away from the traditional small-c conservative evangelical white nationalist roots. Biden/Harris campaigned like Bill Clinton and lost because their base no longer has a stomach for Clintonian liberalism.

        Meanwhile, the Republican base isn’t changing. They’re being Based and Trad and trying to replicate all the moods of the 1950s, absent an economy powered by trillions in new post-war cheap public capital. So they’re just grasping scams, losing a bunch of money, growing increasingly economically anxious, blaming migrants/transgender tweens/Chinese TikTok dances, and doubling down on old school American fascism.

        Any time you spread “both sides” bullshit, *you’re aiding a hard-right propaganda machine *

        There’s no shame in recognizing a social divide that’s expanding over time. But there’s a fundamental difference between buying into right-wing hysteria about shoplifting gangs or transgender Mexican ISIS and acknowledging that your Boomer parents/grandparents are drowning in their own nostalgia while you’re moving on to greener ideological pastures.