My sister got a Bluetooth headset and it reminded me that i cant use those because my ears heat up in less than 10 seconds after putting them on, in fact as i am typing this my ears are kinda of uncomfortably hot. Dust also cause my ears to heat, it usually the cause but it can also happen randomly as well as when i leave the PC monitor running when i sleep(same room).
there is some other stuff i thought to mention but i think it would be better for a post after discovering your body(e.g my cousin though all ppl can only see through one eye until recently because he himself can only see through one eye and that’s how he found out he has only one functioning eye)
Also feel free to talk about NSFW stuff and is this post hard to read(sentence structure wise)? Cause i never know if ppl have hard time reading my post, and at the moment i find it hard to read myself
I can smell moulds that nobody else can smell; at least for several more weeks until the moulds get mouldy enough.
It’s basically the most pointless superpower. I can smell the cereal in the cupboard and tell my wife that it’s gone bad, but she won’t smell it so she’ll eat it and then nothing bad happens except possibly to her gut microflora
My nose is specially sensitive to stuff like deodorants and synthetic perfumes, formaldehyde and other paint smells, the stuff from Odonil™, WD 40 etc. I feel like, if I wanted to train myself to detect non-lethal doses of HCN, I might manage it.
I have photic sneeze reflex aka sudden exposure to bright light tends to make me sneeze. Usually happens if I’ve been indoors for a while and then walk out into a bright sunny day.
For a long time never really thought about it, just figured it was a normal thing. Wasn’t until adulthood that I started noticing most people don’t do that and looked it up. If Wikipedia is correct 18% - 35% of the world’s population has that condition.
I’m in the crazy sneezing corner at work.
- My coworker has allergies, with fits of many sneezes.
- At the same time every day when the sun comes in, I get hit with three rapid sneezes - loud too. It’s always a surprise so I don’t have time to figure out how to sneeze quietly. You could set a clock by it
You can’t just post this and leave out the other name for this:
Autosomal-dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst
I’ve definitely got some variant of the photic sneeze. If I’m in a small sneezing fit, and I want to continue to dislodge the whatever, I look for the brightest area and wait. Takes less than 5 seconds.
If I feel a sneeze lingering all I have to do is look at the sky or a light and I can get it out right away. It’s like a cheat code for getting it over quickly. It can be annoying when driving sometimes when the sun is suddenly in my face and I immediately sneeze.
I do this too. I thought it was a normal thing because it’s something my mum taught me to do to get the sneeze out so I thought it was like a common thing that worked for everyone. Until I told my husband to try it and he said no that stops the sneeze. So I googled it and found out it’s a minority thing! It’s like your eyes quickly adjusting to the bright light somehow makes your nasal passages freak out too.
Yup! I do the cheat all the time. But I don’t have the inconvenience of the sun randomly triggering it. It’s like I’m Blade, The Daywalker of Sneezing
Synesthesia. I can see sound. Really neat, actually.
Not so neat is my aparent genetic resistance to pain meds and anesthetics. Caused some “fun” in a hospital stay
Does red hair run in your family by any chance? People with red hair in their family (myself included, I have auburn-ish hair) need 20% more anesthetics.
How does “fuck you” look like ?
funnily enough, as soon as my brain can parse it as language, my synesthesia doesn’t trigger anymore. It really is just for sounds and music.
If I listen to a language that I can’t understand, my synesthesia triggers. It’s a fun example of how the brain processes the information
if told “fuck you” in say, Norwegian, what does it look like? (if you speak Norwegian, then substitute it for something you don’t speak :P)
also, does “fuck you” look the same in all unknown languages?
(Irish ancestry here: Letting them know that you’ve got redheaded relatives is the secret cheatcode to let you stay unconscious during surgery. There’s a whole protocol about it.)
yup. My dad is irish. And although I’m not a redhead, I later learned that I have the gene and it’s one of the factors in this problem.
Too bad I only learned about this fact after I woke up a couple times during surgery and later when they put me into an induced coma and I pulled out my tubes.
TIL that painkillers don’t work on redheads.
I can pop my ankles almost non stop since around 2 years ago for some reason (no pain or anything), lol
I have weirdly thick skin on and especially under my feet, so I can walk barefoot on ice and snow and not feel cold.
Sometimes if I take too big a gulp of water at once, the little bone near my adam’s apple clicks out of place and I have to manually reset it.
Hey! Me too. I thought I was the only one. Happens when I yawn sometimes too.
When I’m in a hypnagogic state (between awake and sleeping) I can look through my eyelids.
They’re still closed, but I can see the room through them.
I know it’s not real, and if something were to quietly change in the room, I wouldn’t be able to see it, but it still feels weird.
I can also pinpoint the moment when I’ll fall asleep, and sometimes go directly from being awake to dreaming.
Which has the nice side effect that I’m aware I’m dreaming, and the dream world feels just as realistic as if I was awake, except I can control everything in it.I absolutely loathe shoes and boots because it causes my feet to overheat and then my whole body feels uncomfortable. I am a dedicated sandal wearing unless there’s literally snow outside.
One of my teeth is sort of in the middle of my mouth - I had an issue with it not coming in straight so an ortho pulled it down through the roof of my mouth and it was never really worth it to pull it into place. It’s fun to fidget with with my tongue.
I blush extremely easily when I’m aroused or embarrassed . My previous partner used to rely on it to see if her flirting worked and even tried to push it as far as she could to see how red I could get. The answer is very, very red! Even my chest starts blushing at some point! When I have an orgasm I’ll often be blushing all over my body. Apparently it’s normal and I don’t have any health problems…
Also my sense of smell is insane, and I can touch my nose and my elbow with my tongue.
I’m a tetrachromat if that counts. That means instead of seeing just the regular six color groups most people see, I can see 25% more colors on top of that.
Here’s me with my red-green deficiency already jealous of standard colour vision
Honestly, practically-speaking, you aren’t missing out on too much. Color isn’t as crucial a detail outside of aesthetics. Plus I imagine you have the perfect excuse for running a red light and committing fashion crimes.
You must be a woman. As far as I can tell, that only happens in women.
This is correct. In fact, the same gene manifests differently in men even if they had it. In men, if anything, it hinders color. Or so that’s what my doctor told me.
How did you and your doctor confirm you are tetrachromatic? I find all your replies here fascinating, I hope you don’t mind another question!
It wasn’t my doctor that first found out, it was my school. Just as there are ways people can realize someone is colorblind, there are ways people might realize that someone is a tetrachromat. I remember often feeling something was off when we were describing colors in school and little me was like “wait a minute, why does this feel incomplete?”
Very interesting! Thanks for the response.
Nice! You should read the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks if you like Fantasy novels.
Yes, every superchromat should read this series.
I can pop my clavical by pushing my shoulder toward my back with my opposite hand.
I can inhale through my ass to fart on command.
My thumbs can bend backwards without assistance from the other hand.
I can inhale smoke from a cigarette or pipe or something, and blow it out of my ears (it hurts though; I don’t like doing it).
I can kinda wiggle my ears.
I can put my own dick in my own butt, but just the tip.
I can tell when there are electronics turned on around me even if they aren’t intended to make noise, because they all seem to give off this kind of almost imperceptible high pitch whine. Not enough to be bothersome, but just enough to know something probably has current running through it.
I can scoop a spit bubble up off the bottom of my mouth with my tongue, fold my tongue around it, and blow the bubble out of my mouth, and it floats to the ground.
I have a rare condition called EBS (sometimes called butterfly skin). I am lucky enough to have a non life threatening form so it is usually only a problem when I walk/exercise in above 20°C temperatures. And I usually get benefits (I rarely have to queue for things)
I can pop, or reverse pop my ears at will. Where most people talk about chewing gum to pop their ears on a plane I can push out and suck them in to change the pressure at will. It’s useful to help regulate how much noise gets in (in a small way) too.
I have super crooked pinkies, can perpetually pop my ankle, and can retract my testicles back in my body?? Idk if other people can do that last one but all my buds in hs promised they couldn’t