Maybe the political party should have conformed to the pressure of the people who vote in its party. Just saying.
Dems would rather lose than appeal to what americans actually want.
Also funny to imagine protest voters being powerful enough to sway the election but not powerful enough for Dems to listen to
Dems would rather lose than appeal to what americans actually want.
Lol. If we changed our foreign policies to win elections every 4 years we’d have exactly ZERO allies.
Israel is America’s most important ally in the middle east. We ain’t giving that up for a single election.
Edit: Ruffled some stupid feathers. Proud of your protest vote?
Why is Israel America’s most important ally in the region?
Is it because they’re a colonial outpost?
A racist apartheid country is not who I want to be a close ally of my country.
It might be because they are a rogue nuclear state…
America doesn’t have allies, we have vassal states and economically enforced consrcripts lol.
Why do you think all these 3rd world countries want BRICS to actually fly? They’re tired of being held hostage with USD.
I mean they straight up declared themselves police of the world in the 90s after the USSR fell. And we all know the police definitely aren’t just some systemically corrupt protectors of the wealthy.
There is no reality in which America jeopardizes its relationship with its most important ally in the middle east.
Simply not an option.
So now we get to watch Dipshit Donny give Netanyahu free reign to turn Palestine to dust.
But if you’re implying that Dems should have lied like Republicans lie and told their constituents that they’d stop supporting Israel in order to get re-elected, then yeah, they absolutely should have done that to prevent what we’re about to experience.
What if people are implying that democrats should have just idk not committed genocide?
Israel is not an ally to the US.
Allies don’t need to spend millions in donations to Congress and presidental candidate.
Allies don’t launch and support campaign to attack (anti-apartheid) protesters and candidates.
Allies, don’t attack US military and blame it on Arab.
Allies don’t protect pedophile and refuse to sign a extradition agreement.
Perhaps they weren’t, but they’re certainly an ally of Trump, so congratulations anyone who didn’t vote for Harris. You won. Israel has their best friend in office
There is absolutely no difference between the two when it come to Israel.
There obviously is, thus all the threads like this where trump does something to empower israel that biden didn’t, causing rational people to go “we told you so”, and people like you to go “lalala”
On October 13, 2023, The US called up Egypt and suggest that Palestinians in Gaza go to the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt refused so did Jordan. Many people don’t follow what happen day by day, so they miss these news. This exact topic, was going on for a while until Egyptian military build a wall and made it clear they are not going to change their position.
The plan was openly discussed at least since the 1980s ! so saying that Trump is worst, is not accurate because all US presidents made it clear they will do whatever Israel ask for. It just the democrat wanted Arab votes on the “illusions” they are better because they don’t say the quite part out-loud compare to Trump.
I hope you’re right.
I’d hate for this to be right
Sadly it looks accurate in fact and very plausible in prediction
Who? People go on about how if we just told Israel to drop dead, voters would turn out in the millions, but what actual numbers are there to back it up? The majority of people willing to left the world burn as protest are young and statistically, they don’t vote, the issues be damned.
The simple reality is that this “Silent majority” of far leftists Internet pundits want the Democratic Party to appeal to does not exist. Biden didn’t try to appeal to these people, because they were never really going to turn out.
These numbers
By a more than three-to-one margin, Biden 2020 voters who did not vote for Harris say they would have been more likely to have voted for Harris if she “pledged to break from President Biden’s policy toward Gaza by promising to withhold additional weapons to Israel” rather than less likely.
Wow they don’t exist but we gotta shit on them because we lost the election…
This is the same as Republicans saying immigrants will take your jobs and that they’re lazy and stupid at the same time
I would be curious to see the numbers but I don’t think the pro Palestine protest voters cost the Democrats the election. It definitely didn’t help, but the Dems shat the bed in way more ways than just the Palestine situation.
Pretty much. They didn’t offer anything their constituents wanted except for escape from DJT.
Unfortunately “We aren’t Donald Trump” wasn’t a winning strategy two of the three times they tried it.
I wonder what two terrible choices we are gonna have in 2028. Watch it be like fuckin Nancy Pelosi with an exoskeleton holding her up vs Dan Crenshaw who will have replaced his eye patch with a gun by then.
Well, whoever it is, it’ll be them running against Trump, because he’s already hinted at running for a third term, and he doesn’t give a shit if things he does are illegal. And again, whoever it is the Dems pick, they’ll be such shitheads that they’ll lose the election against Trump again, for the third time. There is absolutely no chance whatsoever they learn their lesson in the next four years, because democrats are mentally incapable of even considering they could ever do anything wrong.
And, remember, it almost didn’t even work the second time. Biden was the only candidate running for the nomination poised to lose to Trump and he was forced on us, seemingly as punishment for us demanding healthcare. They were willing to throw 2020 and would have lost had the unpredictable and extraordinary circumstances of Covid-19 not occurred, along with Trump’s absolutely bungled response. Covid-19 was the sole event that propelled Biden to the white house. And then he was exactly as ineffective and terrible as all leftists predicted and we got Trump back because of it.
I think both Trump and Biden handled COVID fucking terribly.
Really most nations handled it really fucking badly. I can forgive initial mistakes like not knowing how potent it was or how infectious it was, but once they knew the masks were pointless why the hell did they continue to push that crap everywhere.
It’s absolutely a disgrace how the Dems handled it after an entire year of Trump trying to pretend it just didn’t exist or was just a cold and using that in their campaign. Then when it became convenient for them they began to pretend it was over.
Politicians continuing to be fuckin useless yet again.
I’m not really sure what you were trying to get at with that comment. Are you implying that it wasn’t two times that Donald Trump won?
Oh sorry. “Two” parties.
Pro-Palestine protest votes didn’t cost the Dems the election, but that a single group was not the deciding factor in a contest does not absolve them of responsibility. IE single-issue pro-Israel voters probably were not the reason for Trump’s victory, but they still deserve a portion of the blame in voting for Trump.
And many of these selfsame pro-Palestine protest vote types are continuing their dumbass games even as Trump greenlights fascism both at home and abroad - like everyone fucking told them he would.
single-issue pro-Israel voters probably were not the reason for Trump’s victory, but they still deserve a portion of the blame in voting for Trump.
Except they didnt vote for trump and it’s disgusting to pretend otherwise
Except they didnt vote for trump and it’s disgusting to pretend otherwise
But they helped him become president. Do you understand that you can help someone become president even if you don’t vote for them? Is that a concept that you can grasp?
But they helped him become president
Millions of people in solid blue states didn’t vote, you think they helped Trump win?
Blanket statements like “if they didn’t vote they voted for trump” are fucking stupid when you look at literally any detailed data
Haha it’s people with flawed logic like you who deserve all the blame.
People who think like you should have to pass aptitude tests before they vote since they literally lined up behind an undemocratically appointed presidential candidate who had no concrete policy position except vibez and no fundamental changes from Biden.
People who couldn’t see an obvious and humiliating loss coming for Harris and the democrats since Biden was the candidate are the only people responsible for this disaster.
The democrats could have given you options. They didn’t because they don’t care about you. They paraded around a half-dead 80 year old man as competent and made excuses for his ineptitude while telling everyone who said he wasn’t fit that they were the ones who were actually crazy. Then they do a last minute bait and switch because he is literally falling apart before the world’s eyes. They lied to you over and over and you are still carrying water for them. Does the history of the situation not matter now that Trump is president?
That’s exactly why people are being called bluemaga.
If only they’d put this much effort into getting one person to change her mind on the issue, instead of trying to get 10 million people to change their morals.
It appears especially ghoulish now after it came out that even her campaign’s polling showed that it was a losing position.
Morals are morals, but they shouldn’t be completely uncompromising
In this case we had the status quo on one side and on the other, someone who was itching to throw the dial to 11 across the board.
At this point, any blood spilled as on their hands just as much as the DNC.
What status quo was there when Dems allow the rollback of everything even when they’re in power without even the suggestion of a fight? Unless you mean the status quo of everything continually getting worse under either party’s admin.
the status quo of everything continually getting worse under either party’s admin.
I always vomit a little in my mouth when I see comments like this.
Completely unaware of things like Dems providing cheap healthcare to vulnerable people (Obamacare) and lowering the cost of prescription medicine, and banning medical debt from showing up on credit reports, etc etc etc.
Only someone completely unaware of everything going on around them would state that the status quo for Dems is everything getting worse. Paying attention to the smallest degree destroys the lazy take that both parties are the same.
Healthcare has gotten so cheap, Luigi Mangione made a cake for a health insurance CEO.
Democrats are mentally incapable of even considering the possibility that their losing to Trump two out of the three times they’ve ran the exact same campaign and candidate is their own responsibility. No, it must be the *checks notes* people who wanted them to be a little more critical of killing Arabs who are responsible. Wonder who you’ll blame when Trump inevitably runs for a third term and you decide to copy/paste your campaign strategy and candidate because you’ve learned abso-fucking-lutely nothing. I’m betting “people who don’t worship trillionaires enough”, because we’ll have some by then.
FAFO! Big time. Bunch of idiots. They do not understand that Israel has the USA by the balls and this has been going on since the USS Liberty.
The same thing would have happened with Harris… Harris fully supported Israel’s genocide.
There’s degrees of support. Trump restarted the export of certain types of munitions while the Biden admin refused to condemn the genocide, they didn’t act in support of the colonization of the west bank or publically encourage the Israeli government to depopulate Gaza.
Obviously neither option was good and genocide is bad, but one option probably would have resulted in slightly less loss of life than the other.
How did Biden not support the Israeli apartheid and genocide?
Like, he was still supplying the genocide, and still voted against all UN actions to halt Israel’s genocide and colonialism…
It’s nice of you to leal to Israel but that’s not what I was referring to.
There’s other policies that the Democrats could have absolutely pushed for. For instance reinstating the protection plans under the American relief plan that they allowed to expire in 2022. You know the thing they said massively reduce child poverty only for it to go immediately back up when those protections ended. I feel like that would have been a great place for the Dems to start. We’re talking basic fucking things like a Band-Aid fix on Healthcare would be enough to mobilize the base but they’re not even willing to do that. Kamalas pathetic approach to Home Care was to give first-time home buyers $12,000. This is stupid because nobody can afford a house or get the mortgage for the house because the banks aren’t satisfied with their debt to income ratio. Nothing about dealing with rent nothing about promising that linacon would stay on. Nothing about dealing with that internet driven rent demand bullshit from that company called real price. These aren’t leftist points either just broad liberal points.
Bullshit. I voted against my conscience because I knew orange would harm people I love. It wasn’t enough.
Dems didn’t offer anything compelling because they are a failed party that can only drive votes with threats of even worse. It’s pretty easy to not fund a genocide and lie and say it isn’t happening when it clearly is. Dems can blame only themselves for poor turnout.
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What the fuck are you saying?
both sides are the same
That I didn’t vote because I knew trump was worse? I voted.
the threats didn’t come from the dems. they came from the magats.
“We’re fighting fascism,” or whatever they were saying. They didn’t convince enough people to vote for them.
you make it sound easy but agreements between nations are anything but that. last time I checked both the dems and repubs were running the government…how convenient of you to forget that.
Regan called the head (premiere, president, I don’t know) of Israel to tell them to calm down and the did. I’m not forgetting things. You don’t know history.
agreements between nations are anything but that
Wait did I forget how he took us out of the Iran deal to limit their nuclear program?
Grow up.
yeah when the choice is between horrible and double super extra horrible, it’s hard to get really motivated to vote for horrible….
it’s pretty much the genocide version of the trolly problem. palestine genocide is on one track, on the other track, there’s the palestinian genocide, trans genocide, hispanic genocide, and entire planet ecocide…
the choice is obvious but not particularly inspiring… at least under harris there was some hope of lobbying her to stop… protest at the whitehouse now and trump will try to have you shot… hopefully they refuse next time.
… you know that’s really an apt comparison. Never thought about it that way but really it’s like a trolley problem except it is their job to shout for people to come up and pull the lever.
It’s no surprise they had trouble finding volunteers.
I voted against my conscience because I knew orange would harm people I love. It wasn’t enough.
So what? You still did the right/smart thing.
Dems didn’t offer anything compelling because they are a failed party
A failed party with a history of voting in favor of the middle/lower classes, who have provided affordable healthcare, strengthened worker rights/unions, lowered prescription drug costs, banned medical debt from showing up on credit reports, invested in clean energy, placed regulations on companies harming our environment, etc etc etc?
When are you going to stop blaming Dems and start accepting that an amoral party was able to convince a terrifying number of stupid Americans to vote against their own interests utilizing propaganda? It’s not like it’s the first time in history that’s happened.
When are you going to stop blaming Dems and start accepting that an amoral party was able to convince a terrifying number of stupid Americans to vote against their own interests utilizing propaganda? It’s not like it’s the first time in history that’s happened.
Both are true at the same time. She failed to condemn a genocide. Are you telling me that you think all those students protesting didn’t matter?
Yeah. You’re right honestly, it was too much to ask the Democrats to stop funding and arming a genocide. It’s not their fault at all, no sir no way. It’s the fault of the Palestinian Americans who refused to vote for people committing genocide against their communities.
Youre so smart. So principled. You know exactly who’s fault this situation is. It’s those damn Palestinians not wanting to vote for people arming genocide against them. How dare they.
The democrats had no choice. They HAD to keep committing genocide against Palestine. Poor Joe, he felt so bad for the Palestinians whenever he signed off on the next missile shipment to Israel. :( He even shed a little tear each time. The poor boy he just had no choice he had to keep arming genocide. He really felt so awful about it the whole time 😔 he’d sometimes even forget that it was happening at all and then remember and feel bad all over again.
It’s so normal that you blame the Palestinian Americans who wouldn’t vote for people arming the genocide of their people. Yup. There’s NOTHING the Democrats could’ve done differently. You should just keep on defending them forever. You know what, you should do one even better and support them as they continue to slide to the right. Instead of fighting for the party to change, you should continue to blindly support them even as they support the indiscriminate slaughter of starving Gazan children.
I should hope the /s isn’t needed here. I’m so fucking tired.
It’s the fault of the plaestinian Americans who refused to vote for people committing genocide against their communities.
You seem to be ignoring the fact that by doing so they made the situation WAY worse. Like a kid that gets mad and just ends up making things worse for themselves.
There is no reality in which the U.S. gives up Israel as its most important ally in the Middle East.
So the options were to minimize the damage, or go wholesale on letting it get worse. They chose the latter. Not very smart.
But hey, at least they can feel vindicated in their heart of hearts as they watch Palestine reduced to ash from the comfort of their homes in America.
Yeah mhm you’re so right. Demanding that the party that’s supposed to be progressive stops committing acts of genocide against their people was so childish of them. How dare they. Yup. It’s totally not the fault of the democratic party for continuing to commit genocidal acts, nope no not at all never they’re always in the right, actually. We really need to defend the poor leaders of the democratic establishment 😔 they only had a whole 13 months to stop committing acts of genocide by arming and funding genociders. Those damn Palestinians, it’s their fault that the democratic party had to keep committing genocide against them. If only they hadn’t complained so much about being genocided. 😡
/s though again I should hope it isn’t necessary
Yeah. I don’t think the democratic party would have stopped arming the Israeli military if they had won the election. There is no evidence of that whatsoever. Gaza is so utterly destroyed it is hard to comprehend.
It is extremely gross of you to blame the outcome of the election on a minority of a minority ethnic group who refused to vote for people who were actively involved in committing genocide against their community. That’s just the most wildly inhumane response to this situation possible. Nah, it was and continues to be the fault of the democratic leadership who committed themselves both to genocide and to a move to the right. You might as well become a Trump supporter if you want to blame minorities for everything. They hate Palestinians, too. You’d be right at home.
So anyways, hope you’re happy with President Trump.
I never said I was happy with him. I am saying that it’s not the fault of Palestinians refusing to vote for people committing acts of genocide against their people. It is the fault of those people refusing stop funding and arming genociders.
You seem to really dig victim blaming…
Nah, I dig being a grownup and making the smartest decision I can within the parameters provided by the reality I live in.
Apparently a TON of Americans aren’t into that.
“Smartest” has varying standards, depending on your POV…
Like, from the POV of someone who will not support a genocider, the smartest option would be “none of the above”
If your POV was member if red team, or blue team, the “smartest” move is just whatever makes your team win.
Oh look at that, exactly what literally every sane person predicted would happen is happening.
Yes after a year+ of genocide, it’s continuing unabated. People would have to be ins4Ne to believe anything else was gonna happen.
Yep all those idiot protest voters getting exactly what trump said he would do.
I know neolibs like to blame everyone and everything but themselves but even if 100% of the protest voters voted for Harris, she still would have lost.
If every protest voter and third party voter was for Harris, she would have still lost in the landslide.
Turns out having horrid policies, saying “I’m not going to change from the person in office no one currently likes, except emulate Trump more”, doesn’t work. Who knew you had to be popular in a national popularity contest?
Do you think this wouldn’t happen if Kamala was president? Because I seem to recall an entire genocide they could have halted a year ago but chose not to.
Are you seriously arguing that slow genocide is better than quick genocide?
I’m arguing that you can have protests and at least an effect with Kamala and the dems in power…good luck with repubs and trump. They are don’t give two fucks about anyone.
If we don’t give the nation of Israel full control of the region, then we can’t fulfill the prophecy to bring end times!
You think they actually gave a shit.
Palestine was just the latest version of “The Issue”
Someone they can make their entire personality to make themselves look good.
Ah yeah people just were being dramatic and standing on such a small, unnecessary issue. It was only genocide
We should have been focusing on the price of eggs instead
Imagine believing, after more than a year of unfettered genocide, that the other huge zionist was any better.
Libs are really losing it, Hiding out in these wacky meme bubbles.
It’s almost like the Israel/Palestine issue was completely irrelevant to the election since there were only two choices and both treated it the same. Yet only the Democrat candidate lost votes over it. Funny how they worked. It’s almost like someone engineered it
Dems lost votes because they count on votes from the very people they are genocide, or votes from people very opposed to supporting genocides.
The GOP didn’t, because they don’t count on those votes.
It’s not “engineered” it’s a matter of respecting your voters.
It’s hard to admit you fell for propaganda but you did. The genocide was irrelevant to the election. Anyone telling you it was relevant wanted your vote nullified.
Harris’ support of genocide was a very bright line for many voters they would not cross.
Hell, how could I, with a straight face, ask my Palestinian neighbor to vote for her?
Because one of them was going to be president, neither would do anything different regarding Israel, and there are many other issues to vote for or against.
Oh you mean like the economy, that Harris was telling everyone was great?
I’m sure that rung true with voters facing food insecurity, or losing their home…
The economy was improving. The problem was that people confuse the economy with their income. Income inequality has been a growing problem for decades. Biden and Harris actually did quite a bit to fight this by putting caps on medicine costs, pushing for school debt forgiveness, the child tax credit, and dozens of other programs which Trump is already dismantling.
Are y’all still fucking crying about a demographic that was too small to change the result?
Since y’all failed on your own and will probably continue to do so maybe try joining us next time! Our moment offers real change, honestly I think you’ll like it far better.
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