2nd amendment about to disappear real fast, I can see the justification being planned already. weird how that happens when it’s used against the SS.
The court documents do not make clear whether Maland was struck by one of Youngblut’s bullets or a shot fired by a fellow agent.
Fuck… so the women who survived was the only one who shot at the agents, she got two shots off, and the agent who died may have been killed by friendly fire. The driver, who was killed, was a german national with an expired visa, he had a gun and may have reached for it but didn’t actually fire any shots. What an absolute cluster fuck.
They can just renew the “terrorists can’t have guns” policy and say anyone that isn’t in a specific group is a suspected terrorist and you have to prove you are not to get your rights back. I really didn’t hear much of a stink from the NRA when they proposed (passed?) a rule that being on the “No Fly” list meant no guns.
Good thing these guys had guns to defend their rights. Nothing says America like a bunch of people dying over a traffic stop.
2nd amendment might disappear for a few pale skins but it never existed for anyone else.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Jemel_Roberson this is what carved your sentiment in stone for me